Hes a fuxk boy but u didnt know

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Zac p.o.v
"No!" You yell telling Zac to stop trying to touch your vag for the hundredth time.All day he's be acting very rude and you refuse to take it any longer.

" you know what y/n fuck it " he digs in his pocket and pull out his phone. He dials a number then puts it to his ear. " what the hell-" he stop you in mid talk by putting his finger up.

"Kelly. No babe -" you gasp and shake your head. He turns and look you in the face. " nah I was just going to call you " he smirks. " I was wondering if we could meet up by the old cider tree or something. Yeah. I won't. Promise " he roles his eyes then laughs.

"yeah okay call you later bae" Zac says then hangs up. you look at him like he is crazy. "what the hell Zac ! " you yell looking at him.

He smirks then looks at you."Y/n don't act so surprised you new what it was.i don't do relationships. " Zac says then lean back on the sheets.

Right now Zac and You was supposed to be having a picnic for your first real date. It's your first real date because you guys have been off and off.

You shake your head. Confused due to him acting as if he cared but then he says something like that. You look at him as he leans back on his phone not caring what he just said.

"Fuck you" you say then stand up.you go to grab your bag but he grabs your wrist " chill y/n you need to sit down and just relax. You won't find another guy like me so injoy it while it'll last"

You look at him like he lost he's damn mind. Then you start thinking. It's true. He is the hottest wide receiver in the school and in our town football team and Your just you. Plain Jane not even a cool name.

" yeah let it sink in. I don't know why girls like you put your standards so high " he says then sucks his teeth.

Once he said that it had you thinking. Girls like me ? That last time you check you were a smart ass bitch that don't need no boy. Yeah at first it was cool to have someone around.my (your inspiration) taught me better then this don't take no shit from no body.

" especially a little boy that thinks the world revolves around his big ass head. You know with a head like that it'll take two light years for the sun to go around it. " he stand up and looks at you as if are you sure your talking to him.

" yeah" you say then step to his face " you" you tell him then pluck his head.

" you no what ?" You say getting ready to walk away but then turn " you ain't even all that witcho stupid ass..see you at our high school reunion. Peace " you tell him then walk away in triumph.

Dave pov

You laugh looking down at your phone. Ugh Dave is so funny I think I'm in love you say more to yourself. " what's so funny "y/bf/n says.

She leans over to look over at your phone then when she sees the caller I.d she rolls her eyes and groans. " I don't like him " she says for the thousand time.

She always says that about him but you ignore it , as always. She has this idea that he's a fuck boy as soon as he said lets play 20 questions. She says he even disrespect his mom which is the number one move. I mean my mom could be a bitch at times to.

" look all I'm saying is do the fuck boy test " y/bf/n says while opening the door for us to walk out the school building.

" fuck boy test ? " I ask not because I'm going to do it just because I'm curious." Yeah" she says then shrug her shoulders.

" talk to him and if you talking and he talks about himself more that you he is definitely.." " inconsiderate not a fuck boy " I say interrupting her. " no "she says "now if he talks about smoking, coming up or stepping on people he's a fuck boy" she says shaking her head.

Once you and y/bf/n walked home having a serious conversation about fuxk boy and what you need to know. You sit on your bed getting ready to face time Dave.

First you look at your clock and see is at 12 which is the time Dave wants you to call.you click the FaceTime icon and in 4 minutes Dave face pops up.

" hey baby girl"he says smiling. He has no shirt on which is sooo hot." What you doing  ? " he ask smiling then licks his lips.

You shrug your shoulders. " laying down" you say then roll your eyes." What would you do if I was there baby girl " Dave says then smirks.

You look at him for a second remembering what your best friend Said about that baby girl crap and ask that question. Strike one you think." I'd continue laying down " you say laughing nervously.

He laughs then lick his lips, again. " what you wearing under there ? " he ask smiling." Clothe " you say bluntly.

Oh crap please don't ask for nudes please don't. You say thinking to your self. " well what's under them clothe " he smirks. Strike 2 I know if I tell him he's gonna ask what color then can he see.

You decide to change the subject. " look I was thinking." You say looking down. " can we go out on a date or something ?" You say then look at him.

He groan and runs his hands through his hair. " come on baby girl you know why I don't like going on dates. " he looks at you.

" yeah. Yeah. Your friends will assume we are fucking" you shake your head then whisper to yourself strike three. Yup he's definitely out.

You shake you head. Wow how blind can I be ? You ask yourself. You shake your head. " I can't do this anymore Dave sorry " you tell him but look down.

" w-what? " he ask you again. " I'm sorry" you says nearly audible.you press the hang up button then lean back on the pillow.

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