He (Zac) is a bad boy

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your pov
You look from y/bf/n to Zac again trying to comprehend who he just waved at. " he waved to you " you say pushing her towards him. She shakes her head and then push you " it was most definitely you".

You and y/bf/n and her brother  met up at the mall and was supposed to be shopping for her cousin birthday but then her big brother left us real" quick" to go use the bathroom. So you and her started walking around then  saw the Zac efron. The gangbanger to be exact from your grandparents mouth threw one ear and out the other , of course .He saw you and your bf walking then she  laughed a tad bit loud.

They say he robbed a bank in Europe,Canada,Paris and Mexico then exchanged it for American money. But you don't believe them living in this town it's like the game telephone. Words always getting mixed up. Its always  the person you'd least  expect to have said it. I always hear about him from my friend and  old people , that swear they are so innocent.

I look up and see him walking towards us.Tall, tan and tasty. He has a black duffle bag which probably has the money he stole in it. Black glasses are covering his eyes. For a guy that's on the run seems to be showing a lot of skin with his white graphic tee on. Shouldn't he have a black turtle neck on with all black and not In a mall.

"You see that watch though?" Y/bf/n ask

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"You see that watch though?" Y/bf/n ask. You look at his wrist and there is a gold watch on his wrist. " oh god he's close." She says. "oh god we should-" you turn to look back at your friend but he/she isn't no where in sight.Where could she possible have gone that fast?

" that heifer" you whisper under your breath. " wow she's definitely a runner" you slowly lift your head and look up at him. You swallow your spit shaking your head while bitting your lip.

" look let's make this quick yeah ? " he looks down at you. You don't even say a word but just look at him in amazement. " okay so take this " he hands you the duffle bag." N-no" you  mumble at least saying something.

" y/bf/n brother wouldn't be happy about that." He smirks. I new he left us for a reason and dragged me along because his sister is a punk . I knew that " yeah id love to take you guys to the mall" was way bit to sincere, especially when there mom always has to yell at him to make him take you guys anywhere ." Don't make things awkward cocoa or should I say hot cocoa?" He smirks.

Yeah you know him. To think of it.. It all makes since to why y/bf/b/n walked off. Its because both him and Zac being that they are bestfriends , are trouble together, always making a problem. If anyone would've seen them together they would've know something was going to go down. You used to have a tiny crush on him but then he left all of a sudden not even saying good bye. Yeah you have a grudge. He knew it too. Y/bf/n brother told him when they where drunk but how he knew was beyond me. you role your eyes remembering to yell at your bestfriend due to her sudden outburst.

" don't call me that. " you say snatching the bag " I'm surprised they didn't catch you yet" you roll your eyes." Why should I do this ?" You ask looking into his glasses.

He snatch them off and looks you in the eyes. He is so dramatic and he thinks he is so cute." because I said so " he smirks " and you still have that "tiny" crush on me " he puts his glasses on then pinch your  cheek and walks away leaving you with your  mouth wide open.

After I gather myself I feel a tap on my shoulder. " you okay? He didn't try to kill you did he?" I turn to her. " he won't be the one doing the killing " you say looking at her.

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