He Manipulates you

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Zac pov ( to stay)

Its twelve at night. Your fiancé Zac still isnt home or did his nightly calls to tell you that he will be late. Not that you care anymore because you are done with the bullshit. After Earlier when you went to see him and that girl was hugging up on him in his office. She even was kissing his cheek while rubbing his leg. He didnt even do nothing to stop her it was like he was encouraging her to keep doing it by whispering in her ear.

you shake your head. You dont want to make your self anymore mad, but this is the second time bright pink lipstick has been on his shirt and he came home smelling of purfume. You know aint nobody but that pasty as mexican, rosemary that wears that crust ass everyday lipstick and nose itching "purfume " or what she puts on to hide her real smell.

you stand up and start walking around to clam your nerves before you smash something.You start walking from the livingroom to the kitchen thinking of ways to tell him that he is stupid and its over. You stop when you hear the door unlock and all the calmness goes out the window. You think fuck this imma beat his ass and then leave him.

He walks in looking down at his phone.You cross your arms and then suck you teeth to get his attention which works becasue he looks up sucks his teeth then puts his phone is his back pocket. "whats wrong this time ?" he ask annoyed.

you shrug you shoulders. Maybe you need to take a different approch because either way it going to be over so why lose your voice is this argument when your going to leave after?" you epected me to be sleep didnt you ?" you ask with now crossed arms.

He shrugs. Its no use he always shrugs and says no or yeah then hell sleep out here and the next day find away to apologize but nah its not going down like that today. " yeah i knew youd do that" you begin to walk past him towards the door. Its no use trying to even talk about it becasue he dosent care so why keep trying.

Before you can walk past him to the front door he moves infront of the door. " where are you going ?" he ask confused. You start laughing becasue you find it funny that since the last two times he expect the outcome be the same." to my friends house "you say reaching for the door handle but he pushes your hand.you look at him like he lost his mind.

" you not going to give me an explanation ?" he says crossing his arms. you look at him for a minute. No wonder ever women wants him , he is everything you would what a perfect man to look like on the outside. Perfect body. Nie smile. Hard jaw. Soft but hard at times eyes. Funny. Just so perfect. Other then the lipstick on his neck.

" i see she changed her lipstick" you say pointing to his neck" or did you change your bitch ?" you smiling. He runs his hands threw his hair actually annoyed. It shocks you beacause you couldve swore it was supposed to be the other way around.

" y/n it was a friendly kiss " he answers waving his hands about. You jerk your head back " on i wonder where else she "kissed" you " you say messing with his shirt.He grabs hold of your wrist. " you luck i not one of them girls that wants to smell your dick"

He laughs " you are crazy ! i cant change the fact that a female wants me. You want me to push every female that i know away ? IF you want that you have to do the same." he tells you as he walks into the kitchen.

You walk after him " the difference is i dont fuck them after they say hi to me! my side hoes wouldnt say hi to me infront of my fiance ! damns sure wouldnt be rubbing on my arms "

" you got other men on the side ?" he ask stepping over to me. "me? after i said that , thats the thing you choose to hear ?" i ask him.

he grabs the hennesy from the counter. A drink when he is annoyed or trying to stay focused. He wont have to focuse for long " im done.you only care about yourself " you say walking away to the door once again.

"Y/N " you hear him yell and you look a him. you give him a wth look.He walks over to you and grabs your wrist " no i didnt say im cheating but I shouldnt let them kiss me on my neck or touch me " he look at you with sorry eyes " weve known eachother for 7 years and in a relationship for 4." he smiles.

" 7 hard years " you add causing you both to smile. " you are basically my bestfriend. my sidekick. my nerve. my mom at times. hell youre even still my bae " he chuckles making you laugh. "okay. I have problems but you knew that going into this . and I'm not blaming you I'm blaming myself for not trying to contain myself. I'm stupid because for half of those 7 years I wanted more then friendship and you used to always tell me " you have to change" he steps closer and holds to your waist.

"and did you ?" you ask with crossed arms looking him in the eye. He looks down biting his lips then closes his eyes " no"

you push his hands from you wrist but he grabs you back ,holds you from behind as his head lays on your shoulder."well for the first . im sorry if i made you seem like you are nothing when you are more then the future mrs. efon okay ?" he says with so much sympathy. " hell ill even become mr. y/l/n if you want" he tells you now holding on to your hands.

he exhales and says " im not perfect. im not a good person. I am rough at time . I am jerk.-"

" a lier. munipulative. hurtful.nasty.rude - " you continue but he squeezes you in a playful way which casue you to laugh.

"yeah yeah. but for those 7 years ive been trying to work on espicially when i ask you to marry me. That day i knew i wanted to change my ways for you becasue you where always worth changing for. " he intwines your hands with his . " you told me if i love someone id find time to change myself for them." he kiss you on the ring finger " i dont want to find time. i want to start."

You turn around. Then grab his ring finger and he grabs yours. " your my bae -" he says. " -till the hairs on my head turn grey " you say then give him a hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2017 ⏰

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