Kiara's Birth

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It has been some time since Kopa And Vitani fell in love and Kopa had that encounter with Zira

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It has been some time since Kopa And Vitani fell in love and Kopa had that encounter with Zira. Nala was Pregnant with Kopa's little sister, Kiara for a long time. Actually About 4 Months. She has told Simba about it months ago. Before Kopa met Zira. Now it is time for Nala to give birth to Kiara. "Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom, Where Are You?" Kopa Asked. Suddenly Kopa smelt something bad "Was someone pooping?" He thought. Kopa went to check and heard his mother screaming while some lionesses were telling her to push. She Roared In Agony as she Heard The Lionesses 



"Push!" The Lionesses kept repeating. 

"I'M PUSHING!" Nala Screamed. Kopa knew what was going on. His little sister was going to be born. Simba also went into the den. "Nala, Are You Okay? I heard Screaming." Simba Said. "Simba, I'm In Labor!" Nala Said. Kopa's eye pupils shrank as he heard that one word: "Labor!" He knew what his mom meant and it explained the smell. Nala was pooping while she was giving birth. Eventually A Baby Lioness came out of her belly. It was Kiara. "Congratulations, Nala, it's a healthy baby lioness." Sarafina Said. "Can I see her, grandma?" Kopa Asked Sarafina. "Of Course, You May. Sarafina Said. "Hi Baby Sister!" Kopa Said. Kiara had this "who are you?" look when she looked at Kopa. "I'm your big brother, Kopa, I will be here for you as that is what siblings do." Kopa Said. This was such a good moment for the whole Pride. "Welcome to the royal family, Kiara, We will take care of you and make sure you become a good hunter." Nala Said while cradling Kiara In her arms. This was a very good time that the royal family would never forget in their lives.

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