The Ambush/ Final Battle And Death Of The Outsider Lions

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Now, It was finally time for the battle

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Now, It was finally time for the battle. Everybody has been waiting for this moment that would finally come true. The Pride Landers Headed To The borders of the outlands. "It's OVER Simba! we have dreamed of nothing else for YEARS!" Zira Said. "You have one last chance to go home!" Simba Said. "We are home!" Nuka Said. Nuka started to approach Simba and fight him. "LIONESSES! ATTACK!" Zira Screamed. The Lionesses On Zira's side helped Nuka. Kopa appeared out of nowhere and started to attack Nuka. They engaged in a fight like never before. "YOU WILL NEVER WIN!" Nuka Said. "OH YES I WILL!" Kopa Said. They continued fighting again "Where's your pretty daughter, Nala?" Dotty Asked. "DOTTY!" Nala Screamed before engaging in a serious fight with Dotty. "OH NO YOU DON'T! YOU WON'T KILL DOTTY!" Nuka Yelled. Nuka began to pounce on Nala. But Kopa arrived on time to save his mother and pushed Nuka into the ravine. Nuka fell into the ravine but he landed on his feet. Zira went down and tried to save her son but to no avail, logs began to fall on Nuka and he wasn't able to breathe easily. Zira uncovered Nuka only to see him dying.

Start Video At 0:19

"Nuka..." Zira Said. "I'm sorrry... mother...I tried..." Nuka Said. "Shhhhhh" Zira Said. "Well... I finally got your attention didn't I?" Nuka Asked. Zira smiled at him. "Goodnight..." Nuka Said as he closed his eyes. Zira became heartbroken "Nuka..." Dotty Said Before nuzzling Zira to comfort her. This was a moment they would never forget in their lives and then after Nuka's death, they went back up there and fought Kopa. "YOU KILLED MY SON!" Zira Screamed. "I did it for a good reason... your son was trying to keep me from reaching my goal. But guess what. I won't let anyone stop me from reaching my goal which is to take the throne!" Kopa Said. "I can do the same thing to you and your stinky lionesses if you are not careful." Kopa Added. Zira was appalled and tried to give Kopa a scar, but Kiara jumped towards Zira and saved her big brother. "KIARA!" Simba Yelled. "KIARA!" Kovu And Kopa Yelled. "KIARA!" Simba Yelled. Kiara, Zira And Dotty fell and Kiara saved herself. But Zira And Dotty couldn't grab on and they got crushed by logs. After that, Zira and Dotty said their last words when she was uncovered. "We hope... Scar... and Nuka... forgives us..." Zira And Dotty Said before closing their eyes forever. The Peace was now restored in The Pride Lands as no more outlanders were here to mess things up.

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