Another Day Of Fun With Vitani, Another Scar

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One day, Kiara grew into a playful cub that was desperate for adventure

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One day, Kiara grew into a playful cub that was desperate for adventure. She saw Vitani playing with Kopa but didn't see Kovu. "I wonder what game they are playing. Maybe I can join too." Kiara thought. "Tag, you're it!" Vitani Said licking Kopa. "Do you really play tag with your tongue?" Kopa Asked. "It's how we lions do it, Kopa." Vitani Said. "Don't we play tag with our paws?" Kopa Asked. "Well, It may be how you do it, but it's not how we do it" Vitani Said. "Ok, now I understand." Kopa Said. Then he began to chase Vitani and she ran while smiling. Kopa saw Kiara and his attention was no longer on Vitani. Instead it was on Kiara. "Tag, you're it!" Kopa Said. "Not for long!" Kiara Said. She began to chase both Kopa and Vitani. "Tag, you're both it!" Kiara Said. Kopa And Vitani then chased Kiara while Simba and Nala were watching. "Man, They sure are getting along." Simba Said. "Indeed. Kiara and Kopa are starting to spend time with each other and are hanging out with Vitani and Kovu very well." Nala Said. Suddenly Simba's smile turned into a frown. "I suddenly remember how I used to do this with my father." Simba Said. "Simba..." Nala Said before nuzzling him. "I know how much you miss Mufasa." Nala Said. "Yeah, but you haven't lost your father." Simba Said. "True, My Father Matoota is still alive. I just don't know where he is. Only my little brother Mheetu knows where he is." Nala Said. "Wait... you have a little brother named Mheetu?" Simba Asked. "Yeah, but I guess you never met him before." Nala Said. "I haven't." Simba Said. Then the camera zooms back into the 3 young lions. "Tag, You're It!" Kopa And Vitani Said. "You Got Me!" Kiara Said. Then suddenly Kovu appeared. "Tag, You're It!" Kiara Said. Kovu began to chase Kiara, Kovu And Vitani. "Tag, You're It!" Kovu Said. Then the 4 cubs realized where they were. They were in the Outlands... "Oh No..." Kopa Said. "Oh No? I don't like the sound of that, big brother." Kiara Said. "We're In The outlands, guys we need to be careful not to be attacked by Zira." Kopa Said. "Who's Zira?" Kiara Asked. "She's the lioness who almost killed me." Kopa Said. Kiara gasped in response. With the thought that if Kopa hadn't escaped from Zira, he'd be dead before she was born. "I'm so sorry, Kopa, I didn't think I'd ever be afraid of such a lioness..." Kiara Said. Kiara now knew that Zira is an evil lioness because Zira almost killed her big brother. Then both Zira and Nuka emerged from the dark with horrifying faces.

 Then both Zira and Nuka emerged from the dark with horrifying faces

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The 4 cubs were very scared and they didn't know what to do

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The 4 cubs were very scared and they didn't know what to do. None of them were strong enough to defeat Nuka or Zira. But that was only until one lioness immediately pounced in between Nuka and Zira's side & Kopa, Kiara, Vitani & Kovu's Side. She was facing Zira and Nuka. Kopa recognized the lioness. It was Nala. "Mom?" Kopa was like. "Mommy?" Kiara was like. "Yes, my 2 cubs, I'm here." Nala Said nuzzling Kopa And Kiara. "Mother! Please! Stop This!" Vitani Said. "Yes, Zira, Please Stop! We can be one Pride!" Kopa, Kiara & Kovu Said desperately. "Don't listen to them, Mother! They Don't Deserve Any Peace!" Nuka Said. "You're Right, Nuka!" Zira Said. "VITANI, YOU HAVE BETRAYED YOUR OWN PRIDE! YOU BETRAYED YOUR FATHER! YOU BETRAYED ME!" Zira Said. "I didn't betray you, I just want to live peacefully with Simba's Pride." Vitani Said. "I Don't Think So! Former Sister!" Nuka Said. "Oh No You Don't, Nuka!" Nala Said. "TRY AND DEFEAT US LIKE THE WEAK QUEEN YOU ARE, NALA!" Nuka Said. "YOU WILL LOSE!" Zira Said to Nala. "No, Zira and Nuka, You Both Will Die!" Nala Said. "No You Will, You wanted Simba to kill my husband! HE DID THAT! NOW YOU MUST SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES!" Zira Said. "Yes, Because Your Husband was the worst King that I ever knew. You were the worst Queen I ever knew." Nala Said. "YOU DON'T CALL MY MOTHER A BAD QUEEN! YOU DON'T CALL MY FATHER A BAD KING!" Nuka Said. "FACE IT NUKA! YOUR PARENTS ARE TERRIBLE RULERS! YOU ARE A TERRIBLE PRINCE!" Nala Said. "Well Guess What, After We Are trough with you, I won't be a prince anymore. INSTEAD I WILL BE A KING!" Nuka Said. "Pfft... Yeah, Right, you'd be a very ######## King for the Pride Lands, Nuka." Nala Said. "No, I wouldn't! I'd be a good king for the Pride Lands. Much better than Simba! I'M ALREADY A BETTER PRINCE THAN KOPA!" Nuka Said. "I'm About to Fight You, Nuka, you better watch your mouth!" Nala Said. "YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR MOUTH, TERMITE, YOU JUST SAID THE P WORD TO ME!" Nuka Said. Nala and Zira engage in a severe fight. Zira marks Nala with a scar on her eye too. "MOM!" Kopa Yelled. "MOMMY!" Kiara Screamed.

"You're nothing but weak now, Nala!" Zira Said

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"You're nothing but weak now, Nala!" Zira Said. Nuka and Dotty appeared behind Nala. "Get ready to die, Termite!" Nuka Told Nala. "Yes, get ready to die now, Nala!" Dotty Said. "Give Up, Nala, Listen to my son and listen to the dotty lioness! You can't save yourself and there is no backup for you! You are outnumbered! No Adult Lions To Save You!" Zira Said. "Really? Who Said She's Outnumbered?" Simba Said. "Oh, Simba, It seems like it's 3 against 2." Zira Said. "No, Zira, It's 3 against 6!" Simba Said. Then more of Zira's Lionesses appeared. "It's now 25 against 6!" Zira Said. Then more of Simba's Lionesses Came "What about 25 against 40?" Sarafina Asked. "Oh, Simba, You May outnumber us, but you don't Out man us! Lionesses, Nuka, Attack!" Zira Said. All the Lionesses began fighting like crazy and Simba lost some of his Lionesses. But Sarafina And Nala fought hard and fought with Zira's Lionesses. Until Zira's whole Pride ran away. "Well, Simba, We May retreat now, but this isn't the last you've seen of me!" Zira Said. "Well I doubt we will see them again." Simba Said. "But, Daddy, we gotta help mommy, I mean, look at her, she's hurt." Kiara Said. Simba immediately looks at Nala's eye and sees a very bad injury. "Oh No, We do have to help Nala!" Simba Said. "Why would Zira do this to me? She hit me so hard." Nala Said. "Don't worry Nala, you will be fine. I hope." Simba Said. "Thank you, Simba." Nala Said. "Rafiki! Rafiki! Nala's hurt!" Simba Said. "Oh No, Bring Her Here!" Rafiki Said. Nala immediately walked into the den. "Oh No, I've seen this kind of scar before. It's a permanent one. I can heal the wound but the scar will be there forever." Rafiki Said. "Forever?" Kiara whimpered. "Yes, Kiara, Your mother won't have this scar taken away from her. This scar will stay on her for the rest of her life." Rafiki Said. "What? But I'm Pregnant with our 3rd cub! He or she might meet me with this scar!" Nala Said. "Yes, Nala, the cub will have to meet you with that scar. Because there is nothing I can do to remove your scar." Rafiki Said. "I understand, Rafiki, but I don't know if many lions will recognize me with this Scar." Nala Said. "Well I still recognize you, Nala." Simba Said. "We all recognize you." All the lions in the den Said. Nala was glad nobody thought she was a female copy of Scar. However, Scar was behind her, and he was a shadowy demon lion. "Hmmm... Interesting..." Scar Said before fading. "Did you hear something?" Kopa Asked. "I think I recognize that voice. It's Scar! But as a demon!" Simba Said. Now everyone became concerned because not only did Nala get her scar, but Scar is now a demon. That is going to bring chaos in the Pride Lands when he returns. Nobody could see him so they didn't think he was back. There were still about 2 more months before the 3rd cub if Simba and Nala, named Kion, would be born. He'd be leader of the Lion Guard when he becomes 4 months old. This was something that everyone was excited for, they'd have a Lion guard defending the Pride lands which is what they always wanted since there was not a Lion guard in the Pride Lands ever since Scar killed The Guard with his roar.

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