Mufasa And Sarabi's Advice + Kiara's 1st words

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Kopa didn't know much about how to be a big brother with the new responsibilities of taking care of Kiara

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Kopa didn't know much about how to be a big brother with the new responsibilities of taking care of Kiara. This is why he rarely played with Vitani, Kovu & Afua. He seeked advice from his grandparents. So He Went To talk with them. "Grandma? Grandpa?" Kopa Called. "Yes, Kopa, We're here." Mufasa Said. "Mom just gave birth to my little sister Kiara but I don't know much about being a big brother. I'm concerned I might do something really really bad to Kiara and boom, I'd be like Zira." Kopa Said. "Kopa... Zira never cared about anyone but your grand uncle Scar. Her devotion to Scar fueled her anger." Mufasa Said. "She wants nothing more than to avenge Scar's Death And Kill Simba. But you don't want that. You want to help this Pride, and it's something Zira would never want." Sarabi Said. "Listen to your grandmother, Kopa, even if you do something to your sister, you won't even be close to Zira's level." Mufasa Said. "Thanks Grandpa, Thanks Grandma." Kopa Said. "You're welcome." Mufasa and Sarabi Said before fading away. "I'm ready to be a big brother to Kiara. I now know I'll never be like Zira." Kopa Said. At this point, Kopa felt like he was ready to be the best big brother to Kiara. That is something he was always hoping for but he knows he now has that chance to be the best brother to Kiara. Kopa even brought Kiara with him while playing with his 3 young lion friends. "Hey, Kopa, who is that baby lioness with you?" Kovu Asked. "She's my little sister and her name is Kiara." Kopa Said. "Kiara, meet Kovu." Kopa Said. "Kovu." Kiara Said as her 1st word. "Nice to meet you too, Kiara." Kovu Said. "Kiara, you just said your 1st word." Kopa Said. "Kovu." Kiara Said again. Yeah, he is Kovu." Kopa Said. "Kovu." Kiara Said for the 3rd time. Do you love Kovu?" Kopa Asked. "Kovu." Kiara Said for the 4th time. "I like you, Kiara." Kovu Said. "Kiara like Kovu." Kiara Said. "Awww." Kopa Said while watching Kovu And Baby Kiara nuzzling. This was a very cute moment Kopa enjoyed watching. Vitani went near Kopa and nuzzled him as well. This was the cutest thing that they have ever seen.

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