Kion's 1st steps and 1st word

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Kion has officially become strong enough to walk and speak

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Kion has officially become strong enough to walk and speak. He also grew a small red mane. "Come On, Kion, you can do it." Nala Said. "Walk to daddy." Simba Said. Then Kion begins to take his 1st steps but he eventually trips. "Don't worry, Kion, you will walk Someday." Simba Said nudging Kion to get up And he did. Those words then started echoing as a black screen appeared. "Someday. Some Some Some Someday." And Scar appeared in the blackness with a big jumpscare. The screen then got out of blackness and showed Kopa playing with Vitani, Kovu & Kiara. Kion walked towards them. "Kopa, look." Kiara Said. "Kion is walking." Vitani Said. "What?" Kopa then saw Kion walking towards him. "Kion, you just walked." Kopa Said. "See, Kopa, Simba knew Kopa would walk one day." Kovu Said. "Yeah, He did." Kopa Said. Kion went up to Kiara and sniffed her. "Uh, Kion? What are you doings?" Kiara Asked. "He's just trying to sniff you out, Kiara." Kopa Said. "Yeah, my sister Rani and Brother Baliyo once did that to me when they were babies." Kovu Said. Kopa noticed a frown on Kovu's face. "I always think about them and miss them... I just wish I could see them at the Tree Of Life..." Kovu Said. "I'm sure you will see them one day, Kovu." Kopa Said. After Kion was done smelling Kiara, he started to speak. "Rani..." Kion Said. "Huh?" Kopa thought. "Did I hear you say something, Kion?" Kopa Asked. "Rani..." Kion Said Again. "Yeah, Kovu just mentioned Rani." Kopa Said. "Do you love Rani?" Kovu Asked Kion. "Rani... Rani..." Baby Kion kept saying. "The only thing he says is Rani." Kopa thought. "Hmmm... Interesting..." Nuka Said. Then Nuka ran back to the outlands. "Mother! Mother! I saw a baby termite saying 'Rani' multiple times." Nuka Said. "Hmmm... Rani... Sounds familiar..." Zira Said. Then a flashback of before Sahasi and Ananda's Death came to her. "Zira, Leave our Rani alone!" Ananda Said In The flashback. Then suddenly the flashback ended "Of course! so Kovu misses Rani huh? Well he can see her again soon when he goes back to the Tree Of Life. That is, according to Kopa. But little does he know, he'll never go to the Tree Of Life again..." Zira Said. "I like the sound of that, Mother, we can basically kill Kovu!" Nuka Said. "Precisely... We could... Then you can be king..." Zira Said. "So let's be prepared." Zira Added. "I even found some Hyenas to help." Zira Said. Then Nuka began the song

After the song, Nuka made his announcement to the Hyenas and Lionesses. "LISTEN UP, HYENAS AND LIONESSES, SOON WE WILL HAVE SIMBA GONE! AND I WILL BE KING! I will find a queen before that, of course." Nuka Said. "Soon, Father, we will have your kingdom back." Nuka Said while looking at Pride Rock. This was something that Nuka always wanted. The chance to finally become King Of The Pride Lands After trying for so long. This was the moment he was waiting for his whole life.

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