Mufasa II And Sarabi II meet their namesakes for the 1st Time.

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One Day, Mufasa II And Sarabi II grew into adventurous cubs. "Hey, Mufasa II, Where do you think you're going in such a hurry?" Kopa Asked. "I was just off to the watering hole with Sarabi II, Dad." Mufasa II Said. "Alright, just be careful. You remember that one day I will be a king and you will be a prince." Kopa Said. "Ok, Dad." Mufasa II Said. "C'mon Sarabi II! The sooner we get to the watering hole, the sooner we can come back to Pride Rock." Mufasa II Said. On their way to the watering hole, they encountered their great grandparents which are their namesakes. "Sarabi II, look, I see clouds coming towards us." Mufasa II Said. "I can see two lions in the clouds." Sarabi II Said. Those two lions were their namesakes. Their great grandparents. "Mufasa II." Mufasa Said. "Oh my god... Are You?" Mufasa II Asked. "Yes, Mufasa II, I am your namesake. I am your great grandfather." Mufasa Said. "Mufasa... I was named after you." Mufasa II Said. "How are you, Sarabi II?" Sarabi Asked. "I'm doing good, Great Grandmother." Sarabi II Said. "We have been watching over you... You are both about to embark on a great journey, Mufasa II And Sarabi II,  Prince Of The Pride Lands And Future Leader Of The Lion Guard..." Mufasa Said. "Dad had been telling us all about it." Mufasa II Said. "I see you have even grown a mane on your head too." Mufasa Said. "Oh Yeah, I have." Mufasa II Said. "That is the way your father used to look." Mufasa Said. "Well, It was nice talking to you." Sarabi Said. "Nice talking to you too, Great Grandmother." Sarabi II Said. They both watched as their great grandparents faded away and continued their path to the watering hole. This was such a moment they would not forget in their lives.

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