Chapter 19

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Sierra. Hotel.India.Echo.Lima.Delta.Shield! Seth froze in his spot his face turned slightly pale. Gail dropped the chair and retreated through the crowd. Dean made his way down to the ring. The crowd erupted into Dean Ambrose chants. My body was still numb with pain. Dean rolled in the ring going after Seth. They were brawling in and out of the ring. Referees tried to separate them, but they were no use. Dean slammed Seth's face into the steel pole so many times that he started bleeding. The feeling was starting to come back into my body. I reached for the rope and pulled myself up clutching my right shoulder, sharp pains shooting through it. I sat on the second rope, trying to get myself together. I looked over and saw Dean slowly getting up, Seth reached under the ring and picked up a cinder block. I freaked out, I couldn't afford to loose Dean! It was terrible without my brother. Dean was on his knees and Seth was waiting to strike. What I'm about to do is really stupid, Seth is like a brick wall! I'll probably get injured but I'd rather it be me than Dean. I rolled out of the ring still clutching my shoulder and shot at Seth. Seth and Dean didn't see me coming. Dean got to his feet just as I speared Seth through the barricade. I heard a pop in my shoulder. I rolled off of Seth clutching it. Dean helped me to my feet. Boy was I glad to see him! He wrapped one arm around my waist and lifted me off the ground like I was as light as a feather. He raised one fist in the air. I finally didn't feel alone in this world. No more pain or hurt. Well aside from my shoulder which ,by the way, is burning. Dean carried my bridal style backstage, he put me on my feet and pulled me into him. "I missed you so much short stuff" "I missed you too Deany Weany" "Ugh, don't call me that!" I giggled.He slowly pulled me into the trainers. "Skylar, I saw what happened and I noticed that you were favoring your shoulder. Would you like me to take a look?" I nodded. Dean lifted me on the table "I could've gotten up here my self" I pouted, he smirked and squeezed my cheeks. I swatted his hand. The trainer checked out my shoulder by touching it lightly in some places. I winced when he touched certain places "Alright, you should feel lucky. It's nothing major. I just have to push it back into place." my eyes widen Dean put an hand on my shoulder . "Okay,  I'm gonna count to three. One-" snap! "Aaaahhhh!!! What the fuck happened to three!" Dean was trying to hold back his laughter. The doctor just chuckled "Now, you have to stay out of the ring for 2-3 days. You did pull the muscle pretty badly" I nodded. Dean went to grab me and I leaped onto his back "piggy back please!!". He rolled his eyes and left the trainers room. We walked towards the locker room. On the way,  a few people stopped us to check on me and welcome Dean back.  When we get to the locker room. Dean has a huge smirk on his face "What...." I ask feeling self conscious. "Nothing, I got you a present" I didn't think it was possible, but Dean's smirk got bigger. I rolled my eyes and opened the door. My eyes nearly popped out of my head. Roman was standing there with a bright pink present bow on his head. I squealed running at him. I jumped in his arms and he caught me. I smashed my lips on his. I heard a snap. I looked back and saw that Dean had taken a picture "What? I had to! It was toats adorbs!" he said in a girly voice. I giggled and went to walk away. Roman whipped me around sticking his tongue in my mouth "okay, eww I'm leaving". After a while we pulled away breathlessly "I missed you so much it hurts" I giggled pulling the bow off of his head. Roman grabbed my bags and walked me to his car. He drives to the hotel. "what was it like without out me?" Roman asked while helping me into the elevator. I remember all the threats, and depression. I glanced at my wrists and pulled them behind me. I was silent. We got to my floor and I handed Roman a spare key card. Since he will be staying with me. He  opened the door and put my bags in our room. "Sky what's wrong? Why didn't you answer my question" I walked pass so that he wouldn't see me cry.  He lightly grabbed my wrist and I winced in pain. He had a confused look. I tried to pull my wrist away, but winced again. Roman turned my hand and looked at my wrist. I had scars from my wrist, to the bend of my elbow on each arm. "Sky-" I ran into the bathroom and sobbed.
(Roman POV)
I saw the scars on her arms and my heart dropped to the floor. I had to hold back my tears. Why had she done this? Surly it wasn't just over me, something or someone had lead her to this..... She ran into the bathroom. I was still frozen in my spot, thinking. What made her do this...... Again.....

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