Chapter 27

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The ride to the hotel was silent. I kept replaying that scene in my head.....His body falling, the sound it made when it hit the ground, his last words, but worst of all the feel of his life slipping away from my grasp. I cant help but blame myself, he felt like shit because of the way he was treating me.....i sigh and let my hair out of the ponytail, resting my elbows on my knees amd my head in my hands. I let my hair fall around my shoulder and watch it bounce as the car moves along the road "Sky you hungry-" "No" "But you havent eaten all day....." My head shot up "Im not hungry Roman!" He looked at me with wide eyes then turned and looked out the window, i sighed and ran my hand through my hair "Im sorry just not hungry" i unbuckle my seatbelt and slide next to him, leaning on his shoulder. I squeeze my eyes tight and imagine all the good times we had.....the times before Seth went nuts.....My eyes started to water and Roman turned and pulled me into his chest. I fell asleep in his arms.
I woke up in the hotel with one of Romans shirts on. I sat up in bed and saw that there was a storm "Roman..." i called out, no reply. I looked on the pillow beside me and saw a note
Gone to the store. Be back in and hour ;)
I sighed in relief and stood up, the cold wood floor creaked under my feet as i walked in the dimly lit Room. The thunder and lightning went and i jumped, it illuminated the room for a brief second. Long enough for me to see a figure sitting in the armchair, i froze in my spot "Dean....." the figure didnt respond. I moved closer and the lightning went again, lighting the room once more. The figure turned his head and I spotted a beard on the face. I tried clicking on the light switch or the lamp but the power seemed to be cut. I heard whispering and reached out and touching the persons shoulder, but immediately jerked my hand back. The body was freezing could, i walked around it "Hello? Who are you?" The lightning went again and in the light i saw 2 toned hair "Seth! Your alive!?" I crouched down in front of him and touched his shoulders. As soon as my hands touched his shoulder, an unbearable pain stemmed from my fingers and traveled through my body, i screamed out in pain "Seth!" I tried to pull my hands away but they were stuck in place. He suddenly stood up and grabbed my wrist, pulling my hands off his shoulders "ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!" He screamed in my face, i started crying "Im sorry!" He lifted me and threw me onto the table, the lamp fell and hit me in the head. My head started bleeding "Its all your fault!" He screamed at me again, this time i saw tears pouring down his face. He scooped me off the table bridal style and carried me to the window "Seth..." he didnt respond "Seth put me down!" I screamed as he opened the window, he leaned out the window and i looked in his eyes, they were completely black. I clung to Seth as he hung our the 5th floor window "SETH, PLEASE! IM SORRY!" He let me go and i hurtled towards the ground. "NOO!" I shot up, tears rolling down my face and panting, I was pulled into someones chest, i flinched back "No! No! Stop!" I turned and looked at Roman "Sky, whats wrong?!" "Nothing" my voice was laced with terror. I pushed the covers back and went to the bathroom, I pulled out my razor "Im sorry Seth, im sorry" my body started to tremble uncontrollably, my vision was blurred with tears. A pair of hands grabbed my wrists "Stop it!" Roman pulled me up and in to him "Never do this again Skylar, do you hear me?!" He took the razor out of my hands and tossed it in the trash "Im sorry! Its the only thing to numb the pain....I cant drink, i cant do drugs, this is the only way out Roman!" "You could die from this,Sky!" "No one would care!" He paused and looked at me intently "I would. I would care more than you know it, Sky. Do you know how much i love you?" I was silent "I love you so much, you are my world, if you dropped dead right now i would crumble to pieces. You are not just some other person, your apart of me now. No matter were you go, no matter what you say or do i am gonna protect you. I dont ever want to see you cry. Ever. You have me, no need to be scared of anything. I got you" he leaned in and pressed his lips on mine, I softly kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck. He gripped my hip and lifted me on the bathroom counter "Let me show you how much I love you" he whispered huskily in my ear "Make love to me Roman" I whispered back, he kissed me softly and slid his hands down my body. I cupped his face and wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him closer, I gripped the end of his shirt and took my sweet time pulling it over his head. I looked at his abs and ran my fingers down his chest, he shivered under my touch, good to know I still had that effect on him. I smiled against his neck then did it again, this time ni went lower and he shivered again "Stop that...." He pinned my wrist above my head started to nibble and kiss my sweet spot, he let my hands go lifting my-well his shirt over my head and carried me to the bed softly laying me on it. He hovered over me and placed soft kisses down my stomach, he kissed my V line and this time I shivered. I felt him smirk against my waist, he came back up and brought our lips together again. I tugged at the band of his boxers, he lifted his hips allowing me to slide them off "Woah, hey there" his erection was huger than I remember......I leaned down and gave him a hand job "Sky, I need you" he whispered, I stopped and let him remove my underwear "Ready" I kissed him passionately and he softly slid in me causing me to gasp, he went slow and deep. Grunting with each thrust, I started to moan softly "Roman,mmh" he went at a slow and steady pace, rolling his hips "Mmmhmm, yes" I arched my back and grabbed his shoulders dragging my nails down his back, he moans loudly so I do it again "I love you baby girl" he kissed me and went deeper "I love you to, baby" I flipped us over and began slowly riding him, he sat up and started sucking on my breast, he played with my nipples and licked them. I felt a pressure build in my stomach, an intense knot. Before I know it I squirted out my love juices, shuddering and moaning loudly,
Roman came shortly after and I collapsed on him "Goodnight, baby girl " "Night" I kissed his chest and we fell asleep.

"WAKE UP!" I screamed and fell out of the bed, causing Dean to die of laughter. I then remembered that I'm completely naked "Stop looking!" He turned around and I slid on Roman's shirt "Asshole" I smacked Dean in the back of the head and he glared at me "Its okay Deany Weany" I squeezed him and he groaned "Stop calling me that!" J giggled and let him go "Wanna go for pancakes Sky?" "Yes!" I cheered like a little kid and ran to my room, I got in the shower look letting the warm water cool me off, I felt a weird feeling in my stomach but I shrugged it off stepping out of the shower. I put on a pink cropped top and fadded denim high waisted shorts "Where the hell is Roman?" I picked up my phone and call, he picked up right away "Hey beautiful" "Hey! Where are you?! Dean and I are going out for pancakes" "I'm at a meeting, I won't be able to make it" "That's cool.....we'll do something me and you later" "of course" "I love you" "I love you too" I hung up and slipped on my pink sandles "Your ready?" I nodded and he stuck out his arm "your charriet awaits my doofus " I rolled my eyes and stuck my arm in his
I got that weird feeling in my stomach again.... This time worse. I looked at the menu deciding what I want, this place is packed and there are people on the stage singing "Dean what are you gett- " "May I have your attention please!" An all to familiar voice spoke into the microphone "I'm so sorry to interrupt your breakfast, but I have something to say" I looked up at the stage and saw Roman "About 6 years ago, I meet this girl. She was gorgeous, her smile lights up the room when she walks in and all eyes are her. She is a wonderful person with an amazing heart. I'd never believed in love at first sight or love at all but then she changed that. She accepted me for me.....even in my darkest times" he looked at me "And I've learned to do the same for her. She is what keeps me sane to this day, she's a true miracle sent from God and I wouldn't trade her for any amount of money. I never thought I'd be doing this here" I had tears streaming down my face, I turned to look at Dean and saw that he had his phone out "What are you doing....." He pointed his camera at me and I just turned around. Roman walked off the stage with the microphone "I know its not the most romantic but" I looked at him confused "Roman what are you- OH MY GOSH!!" My hands shot up to cover my mouth, Roman got on one knee and pulled out a black box "Skylar, will you marry me....."

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