Chapter 25

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"SHIT!" my shoulder went numb with pain and I fell to the floor, pulling Dean with me. I looked over and saw Roman unconscious body being dragged away "Dean, they took Roman! " "Fuck!" Dean and I ran from behind a crate, and we split up in different directions rolling behind another crate. I noticed that Seth had like 30 men to kill us, dammit! I legsweeped the nearest shooter, he fell and I hopped on him and punched him repeatedly. I knocked him out then took both of his guns and shoved his ammo in my bra "Dean!" I threw the gun across the room, he caught it and shot 2 men. I signaled for him to move forward he nodded, I hopped up and started shooting. Bam! Just took out like, 50% of them! "Sky look!" Before I could respond Dean shot the guy straight in the chest, he barely missed me "You almost blew my guts out Dean!" "But I didn't, we gotta go find Roman" we walked forward. I peeked around the corner and saw more guards. I mentally mapped it out. 4 shooters on the 2nd floor rail on each side, that's 8. 5 guards straight ahead, I surveyed the room for a place to take cover. "I'll go first, you take the left side, guards above and ahead. " Dean nodded, I rolled behind a crate unseen, Dean did the same. We made eye contact and nodded, I sneaked up the stairs and grabbed the nearest guard and snapped his neck and took his gun "Damn, this is big" I whispered to my self. I got low and aimed "Bye, Bye" I shot down the other 3 guards "Hey! Stop her!" Gun shots went all around me, I started shooting back. I spotted Dean across the room, he was surrounded by, 4 guards. One was holding him , I shot 3 if them straight in the back. "Aim, don't fail me now!" "Drop the gun, or he dies!" I tightened my grip on the gun "Drop it!" All I could rely on right now was luck, I fired the gun. It hit the guard right between the eyes, I ran down the steps and to Dean, he looked at me and smirked "Still got that killer aim " I tossed him a gun "Never lost it" we ran out the building and to the car "We gotta get to my house, I still have stuff from way back" "Dean thats a 3 hour drive" "Not if you drive" I smirked and took the car keys. "Hold on tight" I slammed on the gas and we sped out of the parking lot. I cut people off, skipped red lights and stop signs. "You almost hit that old man! " I hung my head out the window "Sorry sir!" "AYE! Eyes on the road!" I made an extremely sharp right turn causing Deans body to jerk to the side "We got company" I looked in the rear view mirror and saw 3 black trucks "The hell is wrong with Seth?! All because I won't be with him, well guess what-" I hung out the window again "Piss off assholes!"Dean grabbed my shirt and pulled me back in my seat "Eyes on the road!" "Like it would make much of a difference!" "Shut up and drive!" "Shut up and shoot!" He hung out the window and shot the wheels of the first car, it spun off the road. I made a sharp left "Are you trying to whip me out the damn window?!" "Maybe!" "I can't get the other 2, you drive to wild!" I was silent. There were 2 little trucks and 1 humongous truck. The wheels on the big truck are bullet proof, so there's no way we can shoot those wheels out. We could ram the other 2 off the road but that huge one has to be taken out from inside. "Dean take the wheel" "What?!" "Take the wheel before we die! " we switched seats, I pushed the button for the sun roof, then climbed on top of the car "What the hell are you doing?!" "Saving your ass!" I hopped on top of cars until I got to the truck. I climbed to the back, dammit its locked. I looked ahead and saw Dean ram one of the trucks off the road and into the lake. I kicked the lock and it broke, I opened the back doors and climbed in. "Hey!" A girl with red hair ran at me, I pulled out my gun and slapped her with it, then pushed her out the truck. I was suddenly thrown into the window, the glass broke cutting my fore head. I kicked her in the chest then slammed her head onto the other window, splitting her head. I picked up a piece of glass and cut her cheek while she was distracted I super kicked her and she fell out of the truck as well. I picked up a bag of weapons and found a grenade, then I heard a gun click "Hands up!" I slowly turned around "Who the hell are you!" I looked out the broken window and saw Dean driving beside the truck "Hands up! " I slowly raised my hands. On my finger was the ring from a grenade "Oh me" I smirked "I'm Syn, bitch!" I jumped out the back of the truck, Dean stuck his hand out the window and caught me just as the truck blew up. He pulled me in through the window and I took the drivers seat. Dean and I fistbumped "Were almost here" I pulled into Dean's driveway. We hopped out and ran in the house and to the basement, Dean flicked a switch exposing a wall of different weapons "Welcome to the candy shop" Dean smirked at me and walked into a closet, then walked out and tossed me some clothes. He reached up and grabbed me a first aid kit "What for. .." "Did you forget about your shoulder...oh and your head, when did that happen" I opened the kit "Had to fight off 2 girls in the back of the truck" "Oh" I squeezed the skin around the bullet hole in my shoulder, the bullet popped out. It hurt like a bitch, but I dont think I have time for a hospital. I wrapped it then wiped the blood off my forehead, it'll heal on its own. I put on the clothes Dean gave me, it was a black long sleeved shirt with a bullet proof vest, with leather pants and a thigh strap to hold my knife and a belt to hold my guns and black military boots. Dean was wearing the same thing except his pants were black baggy. I pulled my hair in a tight ponytail "Sky, we don't know were they are!" "Damn! I can't loose Roman to Seth!" Wait..... I picked up my jeans and checked my pockets "Seth had my phone!" "Soo...." "My phone has a tracking device in it!" "Soo...." I sighed rubbing my face "Give me your phone Dean...." he handed me his phone and I typed in my emergent number. Dean's phone screen went black and a Red dot popped up, along with directions on how to get there. "Bingo!" "What is that...." "That's were my phone is" "So what does your phone have to do with finding Roman...." I face palmed and grabbed his wrist pulling him upstairs. He locked the doors and we got back in the car, it roared to life "Let's go get Roman"

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