Chapter 2

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I've been here for a few weeks now and I see Jerry's friends, family and band members come and go, as well as a few romantic endeavours.

He's good to me. He pays me well but he always makes sure I'm okay.

I'm quiet and Soldier on with my work. I try not to get involved with his life, I'm just merely the housekeeper.
Apart from that one day we sat and talked about his Ranch, which he built with his dad about twenty or so years ago.

He said I should go down there with him sometime and take a look.

As I'm vacuuming the dining room, I accidentally scare one of his cats (Jerry refers to the felines as 'The Ratz') who is hiding under the table and he shoots off out of the room, startled by the vacuum cleaner.

"Sorry!" I say feeling kinda bad for the poor guy. Yes I apologised to a cat.

I turn off the vacuum and unplug it, then put it away in the closet near the utility room.
As I walk through the utility room to get back to the dining room to clean...I bump into Jerry who is just around the corner.

"Oh shit! Sorry..." I say, noticing that I've accidentally made some of his coffee he is holding in a Starbucks cup, splash onto his shirt.

A white shirt.


"Oh my god, I'm an idiot." I say slightly panicking internally.

"It's's just an accident." He says calmly.

"It didn't burn you did it?" I ask.

"No, it's barely hot anymore." He chuckles.

"Thank god. I'll wash it for you." I say.

He then proceeds to take his shirt off in front of me.

Well damn.

He's got a dad bod...and I'm into that. I mean he was beautiful back in the 90s but this Jerry....he could order me to do anything and I would do it. Without pay.

I'm staring for way too long and I think he notices.

He smirks like he knows what is going on throughout my mind.

He hands me the shirt and I take it

"I'll get this cleaned.." I say.

He smiles.

"I say you've earned a break." He says.

"It's okay! I have lunch in like half hour." I reply.

"Well take an early lunch...I was just gonna take a dip in the pool if you wanted to join me." He says.

"I don't have my swimsuit..." I say all coy.

"It's your choice." Jerry says, eyeing me up and down.

He walks out to the patio and takes off his pants, completely naked now.

My heart skips a beat.

He meant skinny dipping.
With me.

What in the world is happening!

My thoughts? Fuck it.

I walk out to the patio and take my shirt and leggings off, revealing my mismatched underwear.

A pink pair of panties and a black bra encasing my breasts.

I sit on the edge of the pool and dip my feet in, the water coming up to just above my ankles.

"Why don't you join me?" Jerry asks.

"I'm getting my body acclimatised to the temperature." I say with a smile.

"Really now?" He replies playfully.

He grabs my feet and pulls me in without warning and I splash into the pool.

My body is under the water and I come up from it looking like a drowned rat, with a gasp.
I rub my eyes to clear the water and I hear Jerry's dirty chuckle as I try not to make him aware that pool water went up my nose.

"Jesus!" I giggle playfully and splash him back with the pool water.
"You are buying me new underwear!"
I gest.

He continues to laugh and I swim closer to him.

I place my hands behind my back and undo my bra, letting it fall in front of me as it loosens. I rid myself of it and Jerry sees my breasts.

"I like what I see..." he says.

I smile the most seductively I can and Jerry places his arms around my waist, pulling me to him.

I feel the hard on he has for me as I'm pressed against him. He moves some of my hair away from my neck and he gently kisses the area.

I moan slightly at his touch, my breathing becoming staggered as he hits my sweet spot with his lips.

"You like that huh?" He says, between kissing me.

"Don't stop..." I say delicately.

I just close my eyes and enjoy the feeling.

"You've been bad...spilling coffee over me." He says, continuing to kiss that spot that makes my eyes roll back.
"I think punishment is the only way to make you learn."

"I think I need that." I reply.

"Can I touch you?" He asks. Which I respect.

"Oh god yes." I respond. I would let him do anything to me at this point.

One of his hands disappears down my panties and he rubs my clit.
I feel his calloused fingers slide over me, I feel like I could cum from external stimulation and I have never felt that way with anyone. He is experienced with fingering, I can feel it for sure.

I bellow out a loud groan as I get closer and before I reach my climax, he stops.

My body aches for his touch, and I wonder why he stops.

"Not yet....not until I tell you to." Jerry says, with a devilish grin.

"Jerry...I was so close..." I admit.

"I know babe, but I'm not satisfied with your punishment yet..." he teases.

"I just want to cum...please let me cum...I beg you. I will do anything." I say, just wanting him to give me a release.

He kisses me on the lips, our tongues meeting, before he pulls away.

"Meet me in the Pleasure Room, in 5 minutes." He states.

He gets out of the pool now and I see his large member, still erect from our interaction.

My eyes are hungry for him and I just want him to do what he pleases with me.

He goes back inside and I now step out of the pool, ready to enter...

The Pleasure Room.

Put You Down (Jerry Cantrell x OFC) (Alice In Chains)Where stories live. Discover now