Chapter 10

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I have been awake all night, thinking about what I found out.
I'm sitting up in bed and scroll down my phone, checking my socials and emails.

Jerry stirs slightly and his eyes are gradually opening.
"You okay babe?" He says in his groggy morning voice.

"Yeah, good. I just couldn't sleep." I reply with a smile.

"Even after that fucking amazing night?" He smirks.

He awakens a little more and yawns. He moves closer to me and kisses up my arm slowly. Every kiss delicate but lustful.

"Wanna go for round 3?" Jerry asks, kissing up to my neck.

We kiss gently and our tongues meet as we taste each other.

I smile to him, our foreheads meeting now. We look into each others eyes, however mine show my anxieties. My worries.

"What's up?" He asks, obviously understanding I'm not feeling quite as my usual self.

I swallow hard, my heart beating fast and I feel myself get clammy.

"I...uh...I'm gonna need a week off from work." I say nervously.

"Anything for you babe, you know that, but what's going on? I feel like there's something you aren't telling me." He replies looking at me concerned.

"I need to go stay with my mom for a few days. I'm going through something right now and I kinda need to figure it out." I admit.

Jerry nods.
"Sure, if that'll help you with how you're feeling then that's what matters."

"Thank you. I appreciate it. I'm sorry to seem distant." I reply.

"Can you at least tell me what's going on?" He asks as I lean into him as he sits up.

He holds me closer.
My heart feels fuller the closer I get to him.

"I will. I promise. Just not right now." I say.

I take a deep breath.

"You fed up with me yet?" He laughs.

"No! Absolutely not Mr Cantrell! You are the reason I want to get out of bed these days! Me going to stay with my mom for a few days isn't a reflection on you." I reply. "I just need some advice."

"Sure. Well? Wanna spend the morning with me? I'll order a McDonald's breakfast." He smirks, raising his brow.

I giggle.
"You have food here!"

"Yeah but I can't cook for shit, and you aren't gonna lift a finger in that kitchen today." Jerry states, before grabbing his phone and ordering our breakfast.

Before we go downstairs, I run to the bathroom quickly as my nausea returns.

Jerry is worried, I can tell. He either thinks I'm deathly ill or I'm gonna leave him and never come back. Luckily none of those things are the reason I have to take some time for myself.

I meet Jerry downstairs as I get myself a cold glass of water from the fridge.

"Babe, are you sick?" He asks as I sip on the clear liquid. "You've been puking your guts up in the bathroom for days on and off." Jerry wonders.

"I'm probably coming down with something. It'll pass." I reply.

He looks at me worriedly. I've never seen his eyes so concerned. They are kind but he knows there's something else I'm not telling him.

"You're not making yourself sick are you? You know, like an Eating Disorder?" He asks me.

"No! Nothing like that! Honestly, I'm fine...I think it's just my body telling me I need to slow down a little. Burnout is a bitch." I reply.

The doorbell rings and Jerry answers the door, retrieving our order.
He returns to the kitchen and dishes up the food onto some plates and hands mine to me.

"Thanks Jer." I say as he sits next to me at the bar at the end of the counter top.

Just before Jerry can dig into his food, the doorbell goes again.

"Seriously?" He says, before getting up.

I put my arm against his stomach to stop him.
"It's okay, I'll go." I smile.

"You sure?" He asks.

"Yeah, eat your goddamn breakfast Cantrell." I smile lovingly.

I walk to the door and open it.

"Hey...uh Elsie?" Sean says as I see him smile a little at seeing me.

"Hey Sean, how are you?" I ask.

" you moved in?" He asks looking at me in my red silk robe.

I nod.
"Yeah, although I'm gonna go to Vancouver and see my mom for a few days. I've been a little out of sorts."

"Ahh...Vancouver...the Portland, Oregon of Canada...I didn't know you were from there?" Sean replies.

"Yeah born and raised! Moved to Tacoma when I was 16 then to LA a couple of years back." I tell him.

" and Jerry were supposed to meet...written in the stars...or some crap like that." Sean responds.

I laugh at his comment.

"Wanna come in?" I ask.

"Uh yeah sure. Jerry home?" He asks, walking through the entrance.

"I hope so...otherwise there's an imposter in the kitchen eating breakfast." I gest.

I walk back into the kitchen with Sean following. I can feel his gaze on my ass as he does.

I sit back at the bar.

"Hey Jer Bear!" Sean says in a strange voice.

"Sean! Hey man!" Jerry replies. "You good?"

"Yeah thought I'd chill here before rehearsals. Thought I'd be early enough for a live show, but you're both dressed..." Sean jokes as he pours himself some coffee.

"Oh lord.." I say shaking my head with a grin.

"Alright Kinney, just because you wanna steal my girl.." Jerry laughs.

Now I cringe at the time I mentioned a threesome in a role play scenario.

Jerry can tell and smiles at me. Like an in joke.

"Well....After that revelation...I'm gonna go shower and pack." I say, getting up and kissing Jerry, before taking my empty plate to the dishwasher.
"Thanks for the breakfast babe."

"No problem.." Jerry replies, checking me out as I leave.

I turn my head back to see them and they are both staring at my behind.

"Close your Jaws fellas..." I say, before heading upstairs.

"You got one fine woman there Cantrell." I hear Sean say.

"Yeah she's pretty damn special." Jerry replies.

I smile at their words and continue on to the shower.

Put You Down (Jerry Cantrell x OFC) (Alice In Chains)Where stories live. Discover now