Chapter 7

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After getting home and showering, I start to feel a little under the weather. Am I missing Jerry already? We spent the night together and although we didn't make love, it was special. Just talking and being in each others company.

I think I might be falling in love with him. Two months though? Can I really be in love in that amount of time?

After Danny passed, I didn't think it was possible to find anything like what we had...and certainly not in the time frame that me and Jerry have been together.

Maybe I'm just crushing hard, maybe it's a fleeting moment that I don't want to give up. I really hope not.

I miss Jerry's touch. The way he is gentle with me yet dominant at the same time.
The past couple of times we had sex he made me call him Daddy...and it was mindblowing.

I keep thinking maybe I should get him to wear protection when he penetrates me, but I'm on the pill and I know he is free of any disease.

I start to feel a little queasy and shoot off to the bathroom.

Maybe it was the sandwich I got from Starbucks this morning, or maybe I'm just nervous about a new love.

After I've finished puking my guts up, I pack a bag to stay at Jerry's for a week. It's easier when I'm working and I can get up a little later.

I begin to feel hot, like I'm having a hot flush. I have to sit down.

I take a few deep breaths. Maybe I should see a doctor tomorrow or maybe it's something simple like a cold.

Once I compose myself, I head back out to my car and throw my bag on the backseat.
Then I head back to Jerry's.

I let myself in to his home after I've pulled up outside and retrieve my bag. He gave me a set of keys to the house, I guess that's when you know things are going well when you get a spare set of keys!

I unlock the door and one of the cats rushes over to greet me.

"Hey Ted!" I say, kneeling down and scratching him behind his ear.
"You want some food buddy?"

I set my bag down and head to the kitchen to find the cat food, when all of a sudden, I feel the urge to use the bathroom again. That same sickness I had earlier.

I run off to the closest bathroom, throw the door open and hang my head over the toilet.

"What the hell..." I say to myself, as I flush the contents of the toilet bowl.
"What the fuck is wrong with me."

A few hours later and Jerry returns.
I'm in the kitchen cooking up some fajitas for dinner and he walks in with his fishing gear.
He pops all his equipment down and walks over to me, holding me from behind and kisses my cheek.

"Smells incredible." He says about the aroma of the food.

"It'll be 10 minutes." I smile.

"I'll go take a quick shower." He says.

We kiss on the lips, before Jerry heads to the shower room.

Once he returns, I plate up our food and set it down on the dining room table.

"Looks fucking amazing....and the food looks okay too..." Jerry smirks.

"You charmer Mr Cantrell." I smile back.

We both sit and eat, talking about the day. It feels perfect. Like I'm talking to a husband after a long day at work. It's comforting and brings me back to the days I spent with Danny.

"How was fishing?" I say, taking a mouthful of a fajita, feeling a lot better now.

"Great! Had a good time with the guys, the boat trip was nice too. I spoke to Sean about us..." Jerry replies. "He said I stole you" He laughs.

"Wait what's this about Sean?" I ask, slightly confused.

"Oh you didn't know? He has a thing for he wanted to have you to himself on the Poker night when you met him. Thought he was gonna get laid that night." Jerry laughed.

"Really?!" I ask. "Jesus"

"Yeah, he made no secret about it, but he's all good, now he knows about us." Jerry says.

I smile.

"You had a good day?" He asks me.

"Yeah it was okay, I missed you even though we were together last night. It's like I'm crushing on you big time...and I'm really hoping you feel the same way." I reply.

"It's good because I do feel the same way about you...which I've been meaning to ask. I know we've been seeing each other for 2 months, but you wanna move in?" He asks.

I stop in my tracks, trying to process what he has just asked me.

"Wait...are you sure? You're not gonna be done with me in two months time and tell me to hit the road?" I ask, making sure he really wants this.

"Why would I do that? I...uh....I think I love you..." he says.

My eyes widen.

I go silent for a moment.

"Shit...I fucked up didn't I? Just forget I said anything...." he says, looking slightly awkward.

"Yes." I say simply.

"Yes? To fucking up?" He responds.

"No...Yes to moving in with you...I think I'm in love with you too." I say, blushing slightly.

His awkwardness turns to happiness.

"Fuck Yeah!" He exclaims.
"Well I just became the luckiest son of a bitch in the world."

I smile and giggle at his remark.

After dinner, Jerry has me up against the wall in the dining room, we kiss passionately and his lips move to my neck. He knows the exact area of my sweet spot and how to get me going.

"Pleasure Room?" I say, so turned on.

"No...I think as a Lady of the can share my actual bedroom with me..." he states.

"I'm moving up in the world" I giggle.

He takes my hand and leads me up the stairs.

Put You Down (Jerry Cantrell x OFC) (Alice In Chains)Where stories live. Discover now