Chapter 11

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I arrive in Vancouver and a cab pulls up outside a small cottage in the outskirts of the city.

I am so frightened to drive these days after what happened with Danny, that I would prefer to pay more to get flights and a cab.
Jerry paid for my trip, and although I was adamant I would pay my own way, he insisted and I'm truly grateful to him.

I knock on the door of the home and I hear barking from my mom's dog Rocky.
The door opens and I see my mother. She is clearly shocked to see me as I didn't tell her I was visiting.
She covers her mouth with her hand and her eyes double check me to make sure she isn't seeing things.

"Hey Mom." I say.

"Elsie?" She replies, and before we say anything else she pulls me in for a long embrace.

"You okay Ma?" I ask as she hugs me tightly. Ma is what I call her, it's more comfortable for me to use that than Mom.

"Better now you're here." She sniffles, wiping the tears from her eyes with some paper towel.
"Although I wish you'd call ahead! I haven't cleaned your room!" She scolds jokingly.

We laugh and she invites me in to my childhood home.

"It's not changed one bit!" I say looking around at the lounge.

"Excuse me Elsibeth Joy Harriott! I've had the flooring done since you moved out!" She states.

"Uh oh! I'm in trouble! Using my full name!" I gest.

"Want some coffee? I just brewed a pot." Ma asks as I sit on the couch.

"That would be awesome." I reply.

"You sit right there, I'll be right back!" She says.

I smile.

Nothing has changed.
The smells, the wallpaper, the furniture still in the exact same place as before I left home. My nostalgia is creeping up on me.

Soon Ma returns with a mug I haven't seen since I was 16.

"Here you go!" She says, handing me the mug.

"My Kit Kat mug! You still kept it!" I say joyfully.
"Best Easter gift ever....After the chocolate of course."

Ma smiles and it beams from ear to ear. Happy to see me.

"I haven't thrown anything away! Your room still has those Alice in Chains and Pearl Garden posters up on the walls!" She says.

"It's Pearl Jam and Soundgarden!" I giggle at her names for my favourite bands.

"Oh whatever they are called! The one with the yummy lead singer...." she adds.

"Um...Eddie or Chris?" I ask.

"That one you used to watch in the videos where he had his shirt off and climbed everywhere." She replies.

"That's Eddie...he's in Pearl Jam." I respond.

"I wouldn't mind him climbing my cottage!" Ma says much to my surprise.

"MOTHER!" I laugh. "You're terrible!"

"What?!" She replies.

At least I know where I get my great taste from.

"Anyway...I've been in a relationship with someone from those bands I used to like, which sounds insane." I say, before sipping on my beverage.

"Do tell, sweetie." My mom says, sitting in her armchair across from me.

"His name is Jerry...he's the guitarist and singer for Alice in Chains." I continue.

"The blonde one with the nice ass?" Mom replies.

I nod and giggle at her response.

"Yeah that's him! I am working for a Housekeeping agency and I was hired to tidy and clean his home. That's how we met. He's pretty damn amazing, so thoughtful and caring towards me." I add.

"Isn't he 20 years older than you?" She asks.

"Yeah about 25 years older but he takes care of me." I respond. "I've fallen head over heels for him."

"Sugar daddy!" Mom says.

I shake my head and smile.
"That's not why I'm with him. I wanted your advice something has happened."

Mom looks at me all serious now.
"Your pregnant aren't you?"

My face goes pale and my eyes widen in almost shock that she's already guessed.

"What? How did you..."

"I'm your mother, I know these things. You come to ask me advice on a situation with your new partner...I think I know what is going on." She explains. "Does he know?"

"No, I haven't told him yet. He's still a big time rock star, touring and putting out albums. This will hold him back...I'm not sure how he'll feel about it." I explain, feeling anxious.

"You must tell him. I know it's difficult and after must be a little overwhelming, but you have to let him know that you are carrying his child, even if he doesn't want it. He has to make his own decision on the topic of whether he wants to father the child or not." She says.

"I'm scared. Terrified. Last time I was pregnant I lost my baby and I've been getting flashbacks, especially when I feel nauseous. Its the same feeling I got back then." I say, feeling a little shaky.

"I understand. You went through a traumatic experience. Its perfectly normal to feel worried about the health of your child. If anything it shows how much you care." Mom says.

I nod.
"This is the first relationship I've had since Danny...Jerry just makes me feel special. Like Danny did."

I feel my eyes well up with tears.

"Oh honey!" Ma says, moving from the armchair and sitting next to me on the couch and handing me and handkerchief. I take it and wipe my eyes.

Mom takes me into her arms as I sob, she strokes my hair like she used to when I was going through rough times in my teens. Comforting me, letting me know she is always there for me.

After a little while, I compose myself and the tears stop falling.

"Why don't you go and have a bath? It might make you feel better. I'll go and put some fresh sheets on your bed and you can have an early night if you feel you need to." My mom says.

I smile.
"That would be great. Thanks Ma. Am I good to stay for a few days?"

"Of course Jelly Bean. You are always welcome. This is still your home." She replies.

"Thanks Ma."

Put You Down (Jerry Cantrell x OFC) (Alice In Chains)Where stories live. Discover now