Chapter 6 (Jerry's POV)

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I completely forgot about the fishing trip I had planned with Mike. He said he'd come pick me up but had he come over any later than he did, me and Elsie would have been screwing on the table and no one would have answered that damn door.

Maybe a fishing trip is what I need.

To gather my thoughts and feelings about this woman I've been falling for ever since I employed the agency.

I didn't let on that I thought Elsie was beautiful, that would be unprofessional of me and I didn't even know if she felt the same way. I didn't intend to sleep with her initially, but I was intrigued by her and couldn't stop looking at her. I took a chance that day when I went to take a swim, asking her to join me.

She was quiet and got on with her job. I had to deter Sean from asking her for a date as he was all over her at one of the Poker nights I hosted.
She stayed late to help tidy the house as she knew about my guests.
Sean was bulging as soon as she stepped into the room.
It was a hot day and Elsie wore these skimpy shorts and a strappy top, that revealed her cleavage.

She looked hot, and Sean made sure I knew what he thought about her.
I told him that she was taken, and that seemed to veer him away from her.
Truth is, I kinda didn't want anyone else to feel the same way I did about her.

Elsie had seen me with a few women I was dating, when she first started working for me and had to clean the Pleasure Room on a few occasions. Something I felt awful about.

When I made love to other women, I would see her face.
I knew then that I had to do something.

Elsie is 33 years old and I'm 56, I thought maybe she wouldn't be into an older guy, but it appears I was entirely wrong.

Me and Mike are in the car, he drives while I pick some suitable tunes to play on the way to the boat yard. I scroll down Mike's phone which is already plugged into the sound system, and find some AC DC.

"So...Elsie..." Mike begins.

I chuckle at him.
"That's the first thing you ask me?"

"Well come on...I knew you had a thing for her...I didn't realise you two had actually done anything." Mike replies.

"It's just a casual thing...we're just seeing where it goes." I tell him.

"She's really nice Jer, I think she's good for you. She'll keep you grounded that's for sure." Mike says.

"Thanks man. I like her...a lot actually. I haven't felt like this with anyone in years." I say.

"You gonna tell Sean?" Mike asks, stopping at the red light.

"Yeah, I'll have to at some point...he was ready to jump into bed with her that night he was flirting up a storm." I respond.

"Yeah well she didn't once look at him that night....okay maybe just to say hi, but she kept turning her head to you." Mike smiles.

"Yeah? Every time I looked to her she was looking away."
I reply.

Mike drives on as the green light appears and then answers.
"Yeah you kept missing each other's eye contact."

I smile.
"You know, you totally cock blocked me man! We were about to get to it and then you were at the fucking door!" I laugh.

"No way? Ha! Great timing!" Mike laughs.

"I'll get you back when you don't expect it, Inez" I gest.

"She stay with you last night I'm guessing?" Mike wonders.

"Yeah why?" I reply.

"She didn't look like she was ready for work...she normally wears make up right? She didn't this time." He says.

"You notice that shit? Jeez....we didn't sleep together last night. She was going through something, she told me about her past and I was there for her. I wanted to be, I didn't want her to be alone. It was the anniversary of her partners well as their unborn child." I state seriously.

"Shit, that's really sad...I had no idea." Mike said, with a sympathetic look. "She okay this morning?"

I nod.
"Yeah a lot better. She's dealing, but you and I know that losing someone close to you never gets any easier, but you find ways to cope."

Mike agrees.

"We are gonna keep our relationship quiet from the media for now. It's too much for her to deal with, having the media attention when she's never experienced it before. I don't want those assholes to hassle her." I state.

"Good idea...oh and once Sean finds out about you two and he accepts it, you know he'll ask you about your sex life." Mike warns.

"Yep, that's pretty much a given." I laugh.

Mike continues driving until we get to the boat yard, where we set up on my boat and get our fishing equipment ready.

Sean meets us about 30 minutes later and I tell him the news about me and Elsie.

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