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Gabriel Taylor was the first one to enter detention that afternoon

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Gabriel Taylor was the first one to enter detention that afternoon. Followed by Adelaide Jones, Juliet Chambers, Persephone Anderson, Harper Kade, Atlas Collin, Jonathon Thompson, and Cassiopeia Alinsky, also known as Soleil. The eight received detention the same day. 

Atlas gasps dramatically as he sees his two friends sitting next to each other, an empty seat next to them. "Detention with my favorite people." 

"What did you do to receive detention, Atlas?" Soleil questions. "I could ask you both the same thing." 

"Quiet!" The teacher comes into the room, and Jonathon leans back in his chair, smiling at the teacher. "You're late." 

"I'm the teacher here." 

"Yet, you're still late." 

"Silence Thompson, I won't say it again." The teacher says giving him a look, which made him quiet down. She passes out a piece of paper, and Persephone started to make a paper airplane with it. "Your phones are to be left in silence, if I see them I will take them. You are to write an essay on how you know what you did was wrong and how you will learn from your-" 

"What if we agree what we did wasn't wrong?" Soleil asks the teacher. "You got detention for fighting. It's violence and that is wrong." 

"They had a pretty good reason to fight." Atlas holds their hand, smiling softly at them. 

"How about you all write about why you are in detention, so you can learn not to do it again." A car alarm sets off, making the teacher run out of the classroom after realizing it was their car. Atlas gets up, locking the door so the teacher can't come in, everyone watching him. 

"Oh come on, I'm not looking forward to another detention," Adelaide speaks up, Atlas had known Adelaide since he volunteered at a cat shelter where she worked at. "And her keys, Atlas. She's got to have them." Jonathon says. "I have them." 

"How'd you get them?" 

"That's a wonderful question, Juliet Capulet." Atlas would always annoy her with the fact her name was Juliet. It was in a playful manner, they would never be rude to each other and Juliet knew that.

"I wasn't named after a Shakespeare play." 

"Mhm, sure you weren't." Atlas sits back down, his head getting hit by a paper airplane. They all laugh, some silently and others, like Soleil and Jonathon laughing loudly at their friend. 

"Persephone, when we get out of here-" 

"You'll do what?" 

"Your choice, I heard it would rain today." Atlas smiles at the girl, the two would usually have dance parties in the rain at night, and although they both loved to be alone they did enjoy each other's company. No one had a problem with Atlas, he'd always find a way to connect with someone and was always nice to them. Most people admired him and looked up to him, finding him one of the kindest people in the school. No one thought he could do anything wrong.

But that would all change soon.

crystal speaks !

I apologize for the short chapter, the next one will be longer<33

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