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i didn't have to be told that you loved me for it to be true, i needed to feel it for it to be real

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i didn't have to be told that you loved me for it to be true, i needed to feel it for it to be real

crystal speaks ! first off, i appreciate you all for reading, you all mean the world to me. secondly, i promise this is the last (apart from the next chapter in the begining) fully speaking on Harper's story because I really want to write the 'pov' being another character's because i feel so bad {but i promise i haven't forgotten anyone's character} 

warning: this chapter deals with getting kicked out. I don't know if this affects anyone, but if it does I just wanted to make sure. My messages are always open loves. 

That night Harper fell asleep with his father talking to Nicklaus, hearing the words 'he's just a kid' after he passed out in bed after crying for hours

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That night Harper fell asleep with his father talking to Nicklaus, hearing the words 'he's just a kid' after he passed out in bed after crying for hours. His sister would often come into the room, offering him some food like cookies or soup. She even sat down next to him on the floor and stayed silent. It wasn't that she didn't want to help, it was that she didn't know how━but she secretly hoped that her company was more than enough for him. 

And it was. 

He woke up a few hours later, it was 4am and his father had just dumped a short stack of money. It contained a few hundred dollar bills and fifties. Harper rubbed his eyes, adjusting to the light in is room. He looked around and saw his father looking down at him disappointingly and he saw bags on the floor. 

His closet was empty. 

He was scared of what he was thinking was about to happen and hated the feeling in his chest that made him believe it. 

"Care to explain this money?" 


"What are you selling?" 

He looked up at his father in disbelief, scoffing as he got up from the bed and took his phone from the nightstand, putting it into his pocket. He was just wearing a sweater and sweatpants, but it was still freezing. 

"Answer me, Harper." His father demanded. 

"Nothing, I'm not selling anything. Is this what it's about?" 

"So explain to me the money, because I find it hard to believe you're not selling anything, or that you have a job. What were you planning on doing with all of this money?"

"Nothing, I wasn't-" 

"Harper, answer the question." 

"You went through my things?" 

"Of course, I went through your things, I'm your father." 

"It doesn't give you the right to go through my things. Where's my journal?" 

"I threw it away." 

"You don't-" 

He was cut off when his father took the bags and walked downstairs, and he followed him. "What are you doing with my stuff, dad-" 

His sister woke up, startled by the noise, and followed them unnoticed. His father threw his bags onto the front doorstep and closed the door, before facing Harper. "Nicklaus told me everything. About how you went to a party, got into a fight with your boyfriend━which I didn't know about, I found money that you were hiding from me, you're involved with the cops for an unsolved murder case. Nicklaus told me-" 

"I don't care what Nicklaus told you." 

"He said I shouldn't have people like you living here, and I hate to say it but I think he's right." 

"People like me? Dad, I'm your son." His hands started shaking as he held back tears. "I'm your son, dad." 

"I can't have you living under my roof until you're proven innocent. Telling the cops you killed someone is a serious thing Harper, I just want what's best for you." 

"What's best for me? You're kicking me out." 

"I'm not kicking you out, I'm just guiding you in the right direction. You have friends, no? You can stay with them until then. Your bags are out in the front, if you need anything, you can call Nicklaus. Say goodbye to your sister and get out." 


"Harper, I'm serious." 

"Please, don't do this." 

"Harper, say goodbye to your sister or get out." 

He breathed in shakily, looking away from his father and hugged his sister. "Be good alright, kid? Dad's got you, and I'll always love you." 

"Where are you going?" 

"He's going somewhere for a while, honey." 

"Can I come with him?" 

Harper lets go of the hug as his father takes his arm and guides him out the door. "No, he needs time alone." 


And with that, the door closed. He sighed picking up his bags and attempting to use his phone, but it was dead. After a few minutes of walking, the rain started pouring and he started crying. He fell to the ground and sobbed for what felt like forever until suddenly a car pulled up in front of him. He didn't care about it, he couldn't even hear clearly. An umbrella went above him and he saw the figure of teens. He saw a girl in front of him, trying to talk to him, to get him to respond, but nothing. "It's okay, you're okay. We've got you. Harper, it's going to be okay." Is all he heard and he got put into the car and fell asleep after a while of fighting it. 

He didn't know who they were at the time, but felt oddly safe around them.

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