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We meet again

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We meet again

They made it to their destination, they all gather their belongings and start moving forward

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They made it to their destination, they all gather their belongings and start moving forward. They exit the train station and smile when they see the bright buildings, the pretty stars surrounding the entire sky, the people working in their small stores or restaurants. If they'd like to, they would live there forever. 

It automatically felt like a safe place and everyone seemed so kind. As they continued to walk, people would politely ask them how they were and a little girl had even given them flowers. 

They decided to go to a small cafe, in which Gabriel had quickly recognized the owner. The elderly lady had smiled at him and greeted him with a big hug, to which he had quickly accepted. The other six had sat down, leaving a room for Gabriel. 

"Hey, darling. How are you doing? I had missed you so very much, dear." The woman was a neighbor of Gabriel, always taking care of him when his parents were busy. She would do anything for Gabriel, defend him, lie for him, anything. The woman was like a second mother to him. 

She had moved away when Gabriel was ten for more job opportunities, for the long while she was gone, it had made everyone in the neighborhood who were close to her miserable. 

"I'm okay, thank you. How are you doing? How's Robert?" 

"Oh, I'm quite alright, dear. But between me and you, Robert had left me a couple years back." 

She gives him a sad smile, looking down.

"Hey, you don't need someone to show you you're important or you're worthy. You should already know that. Who cares about Robert, you don't need him to make you happy, you never did."

She wipes a tear that had fallen and softly smiles at the teenage boy in front of her; "Oh, you have grown to be such a wonderful young man. Do you have a partner yet?" 

"Not yet." 

"Well, that's good. You should focus on yourself, on who you want to be. You should take time for yourself. I just hope when you do find the one, they make you feel super happy. That they're lovely, and you just know they're the one." 

"Thank you." 

"Of course, sweetheart. I saw you brought some people with you. Would they all like something?" 

"Yeah, please." 

They all end up ordering different things. Coffee, sandwiches and berries. It was light, but none of them were as hungry. As they were eating, they did notice stares and people whispering about them. 

Finishing and saying their goodbyes to the lady, the woman had given Gabriel her home number to keep in touch. Walking by, they spot a small restaurant that had music playing. They all smile at each other and start slowly dancing. They spin around, jump around, they have fun. Their laughter was heard and even little kids who passed along started dancing along with them. 

Without knowing the same man from the train was watching them, filming them. 

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