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Unlock the door, Atlas

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Unlock the door, Atlas. It isn't funny.

"This is some stupid joke

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"This is some stupid joke." Adelaide says to Juliet. The two have been close friends, starting a year before, and had always been there for each other. Juliet tiredly nods at Adelaide, it's been two hours after detention was meant to be over, but they had no way out since they couldn't open the door. They've tried everything. 

"Atlas, hand over the keys. I'm tired of this." Gabriel says, interrupting whatever conversation Jonathon and Atlas were having. He turns in his chair, facing Gabriel. "I don't have them." 

Everyone looks at him, Persephone went to throw whatever was closest to them at Atlas, before Soleil quickly took it from her hands, shaking their head at Percy. Persephone shrugs and glares at Atlas. They were all quiet after that before Harper breaks the silence. "What do you mean you don't have the keys?" 

"I mean I don't have them.  Physically, not here. Want me to draw a picture for- better yet I'll make an animated cartoon for you, just so you can understand what I said-" 

"Shut your mouth, I only asked a simple question." 

"Well, hear better the first time so I don't have to repeat myse-"

"Alright. Enough with that you two. We have to figure out how to get out of here." Adelaide says, before getting up and looking at the window. Everyone's eyes trailed to the window, all looking out before realizing the teacher's car wasn't there anymore. The parking lot was empty. "Well, if we're stuck here, might as well make it fun." Soleil says, "Are any of your phones working?" Gabriel questions, making them all see that their phones weren't turning on. "This is a joke." Juliet tells them. "A joke?" 

"Someone's got to be messing with us." 

"Atlas, the keys." 

"I don't have them." 

"You had them a while ago." 

"Do I have them now? No." 

"Unlock the door, Atlas. It isn't funny." 

"Why do you all think it's my fault?" 

"I never once said it was your fault, for the record." 

"How'd you get detention? I'm starting to believe you came here today because you wanted to." 

"Well, yeah. My best friends were here, couldn't leave them alone." 

"Where's the teacher?" 

"How would I know?" 

"It's been more than two hours, someone gets me out of here." 

Everybody's back-and-forth talking stops when they hear a click of a camera by the corner and someone running. 

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