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If life has taught us anything, it's to not be afraid

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If life has taught us anything, it's to not be afraid. Even when death comes your way.

At 8pm they had all met at the train station, telling their parents they were having a sleepover at the other's house

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At 8pm they had all met at the train station, telling their parents they were having a sleepover at the other's house. 

Most of their parents had told them to keep texting them every few hours to ensure they are alright. They were all sitting on the train, they had decided they would go at the final destination, which was in three hours. 

Adelaide and Jonathon were solving riddles in a random book they've found, Soleil was sleeping on Gabriel's shoulder, them sharing headphones and Soleil wearing a bucket hat that was shaped like a frog, but it kept falling off resulting in all of them laughing when Soleil would wake up for a second to fix their hat and go back to sleep. Harper and Gabriel were playing cards, and Persephone and Juliet were making origami dinosaurs with some construction paper they brought. 

"Here you kids, get drunk on apple juice." Harper throws apple juices, which he had in his bag. Everyone catches it, until Harper completely forgets Soleil was asleep and hits their face with the juice box. 

They all quickly laugh and look around, pretending they had no idea what happened. Soleil wakes up, with an angry face. "Who threw it at me?" Soleil grabs the apple juice from the ground, about to throw the apple juice back to whoever threw it. Seeing their angry face, everyone silently points to Harper while smiling at his look of betrayal. 

Soleil gets ready to throw it at Harper, before Gabriel takes the apple juice from them. "No throwing Soleil." 



Soleil slumps back in their seat, glaring at Harper. "You count your days Harper Kade." 

"That's scary." He sarcastically says, drawing a happy face on the window when the fog covers it. "Keep drawing that happy face see what happens." 

That makes him get silenced.

"Kool-aid, hurry up and say the riddle." 

"Don't call me Kool-aid." Adelaide tells Jonathon. Everyone in that room laughs, they were just teenagers who had no idea what to do. They were accused for a murder they most likely didn't cause and they were clueless.

Clueless when they didn't realize there was a man with a facemask and sunglasses in the train, who hid something in one of their bags. 

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