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maybe, he's one of the good people

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maybe, he's one of the good people.

The seven were in an empty classroom, class was meant to start ten minutes ago but there was no teacher or students

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The seven were in an empty classroom, class was meant to start ten minutes ago but there was no teacher or students. Persephone was asleep on the desk, Gabriel and Harper playing cards as they spoke to Adelaide, Soleil, Jonathon and Juliet were taking embarrassing pictures on their phones of each other.

The laughter ended when an adult walked in, none of them had seen him before in the school building. "Good morning." He sits himself down on the chair by the desk, smiling at the teenagers.

"Hi." Harper was the first one to speak; "I'll be your teacher for the rest of the year, I think for every class so instead of going to your classes, you'll be staying here the whole day."

"You've got to be kidding me." Gabriel mutters, dropping his head on the desk.

"I know, I know. I wouldn't like it either, but it's not in my control. Principal's orders, you're to stay here for lunch as well."

"Why?" Juliet questions.

"Principal thinks you're all dangerous to the school, seeing as he has no valid reason to expel you all, no teachers or students want contact with you so you're to stay here. I won't give out much homework, but participation is welcomed. I understand people have anxiety talking in front of people, so if you are struggling with anything I'm always here to talk."

"Let's start off with today's topic, Does anyone like poetry?" Juliet and Harper's hands go up. "Well, we won't be talking about poetry today, but I'll keep it in mind. See, the way I like to work on assignments is based on what you like. I don't want you all to struggle with a material that you hate, and can't do, so I want it to be something you enjoy━don't find it boring."

"Today's topic is life. Future, loves, goals." He writes on the board, turning towards them. "We can all call out here, seeing as this is a small class. What are your goals?"

"I want to travel the world with my friends or partner," Juliet says.

"Good, anything else?"

"I want to pursue journalism or photography."

"And I hope you do just that."

"Harper Kade, anyone you love?"

"My sister."


"She steals dad's money for me."

Gabriel smiles at him; "Gabriel."

"I want to make things up with an old friend, I did something terrible and I want to fix it."

The teacher nods, "Now, what I want you to do next is write it down. Write down whatever you want, whatever you're feeling. Who you love, who you want to love-"

"Why are we doing this?" Jonathon asks. "Because right now, times are hard. Life is hard. I want you all to know, that you will get through this and that you have people who care about you and they're all sitting in this room."

"What if we all hated each other?"

"Trust me, with the looks you all give each other, I can tell you don't hate each other."

"That's false, I hate Gabriel and Harper," Soleil says, making them laugh. Persephone wakes up, confused as to who the man was standing in the front of the room, then decides to not care and goes back to sleep.

"You're in a room with people others think are murderers, you sure you want to spend the rest of the year with us? What if I annoy you, are you going to give me detention?" Harper talks.

"It's my job to spend time with annoying people." He jokes, then gets serious; "I know enough to know none of you did a murder. Sure, you may have done things I don't agree with, things I wouldn't be proud of, but none of you would go all the way to murdering a classmate. It doesn't matter what I believe anyways, there's not enough proof. People just want a reason to talk, and well they saw you and got one."

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