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We all hide from the truth, maybe it's because it's scarier to admit it

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We all hide from the truth, maybe it's because it's scarier to admit it.

They were by a campfire where a kind couple had told them they could go there to get warm

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They were by a campfire where a kind couple had told them they could go there to get warm. It was on the beach, filled with many people, others had made the group some food and had given them warm drinks. A phone rings, it was Soleil's. 

"Hey, dad." They mumble. Their phone was on speaker, so you could hear everything mykel was saying. "Hey, Soleil. Your father told me you were at a friend's house. You okay? Do you need us to bring you anything?" 

"Oh, no. Thank you, I'm okay." 

"Where are you? I hear people talking." 

Soleil looks up, having a scared look. Persephone quickly takes their phone. "Hi! Soleil's with me, we just went to the restaurant across from my house. Don't worry, your child is okay with us." 

"As long as you stay safe, I don't see why there's a problem with that. Call me or your father if anything comes up." 

"Okay, bye. Love you." 

"Love you too." 

With that, they hang up. Before any of them get to say anything else, a little boy taps Jonathon on the shoulder. He turns around; "Yes?" 

"Where do you all come from?" 

"We're actually aliens. We come to earth once every twenty years and see if we should make the people leave earth or not." 

Hearing that, the boy quickly runs away towards his mother and the others start laughing. Juliet hits Jonathon with her bag; "You don't say that to a kid, Jonathon." 

"Right, I'm sorry." 

"You're not sorry." 

"No, I'm not." 

Harper throws a juice box, accidentally hitting Soleil in the arm. They all go quiet, watching what Soleil would do. Gabriel gets ready to hold Soleil back. 

"I'm sorry Soleil. I have greatly learned from my mistakes, and they'll never happen again-" His sentence gets cut off with a shout when Soleil jumps up from their seat, making Harper run away with Soleil chasing him. Gabriel sighs, unable to stop Soleil and takes the juice box for himself. Everyone laughs at the two when they see Soleil grabbing Harper from his hoodie, pulling him back and making him fall, resulting in his face getting covered in sand. 

He coughs, and Soleil puts their arms up in victory before Harper gets back up and picks them up, running towards the ocean. "Harper, you put me down. Harper Kade, you will not see the sunrise tomorrow if you drop me in the w-" With that, they get dropped down the water. 

They all smile, looking at each other in agreement. They all run towards the ocean, everyone splashing each other and their laughs are heard. Each of them attempted to throw the other down with them, even after a woman had told them to not go in the water because it was too cold and they would get sick.

They ran around in the water, falling and laughing loudly at the other one. The kids would look at them admirably, even wanting to join them but their parents had told them not to. They looked free, they looked happy, but maybe it was also for a few hours. A few hours to be happy, a few hours to pretend like everything was okay. 

The teens went in the water despite the parents giving them disapproving looks. 

They even went in when the man with the sunglasses and mask was taking more videos of them, contacting the police.

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