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you can't get arrested for us, that's not how it works

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you can't get arrested for us, that's not how it works

you can't get arrested for us, that's not how it works

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"You've got to be kidding me." Gabriel mutters, after a few minutes Nicklaus with another officer walk into the room. 

"You all know what's going to happen. We're going to question you all, you know where you need to be." 

Getting up from the room, they follow the cops into the same room they were questioned before. "First question, why did you all run away?" 

"We wanted a break." 

"You wanted a break? From what?" 

"Sometimes living is just too much, so we wanted a break." 

"You call running away a break?" 

"We were all together, we were safe." 

"You were safe enough to have a knife in your bag." 


"Protection from what, Harper?" 

"We're being accused of murder, you don't think at least one person is going to want revenge for someone killing another?" 

"You don't solve a murder with murder."

"That's not how some people think." 

"That's not how some people think?" 

"No, it's the people you least expect. Take his mother for example, you don't think she wants answers? As to who killed her son? You don't think anger is the main emotion she's feeling? Anger that she doesn't know why her son died. Or maybe she doesn't care, but that doesn't take away the fact that her son is dead." 

"Harper's fingerprints were on the knife." 

A silence occurs in the room, all heads turned to him. There was a mixed of emotions. Disbelief, betrayal, sadness or everything. He has a small smile on his face, but the look in his eyes didn't show he was happy. 


"I killed Atlas Collin." 

He said it with tears forming in his eyes and at the time all his friends were thinking of one thing. 

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