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We all hide from people, lie to people, fight with them, leave them, but I think we're forever

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We all hide from people, lie to people, fight with them, leave them, but I think we're forever. 

"Where were you all last night at 10:42pm?" The police officer questions, there's someone in the corner of the room taking notes, but no one paid attention to them

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"Where were you all last night at 10:42pm?" The police officer questions, there's someone in the corner of the room taking notes, but no one paid attention to them. 

"Juliet and I were baking cookies." Persephone says. 

"At 10:42pm?" 

"It's a small tradition we have, during a rainy day we watch movies and bake." Juliet responds, the officer nods. He then looks at Harper, who stares back at him. 


He shifts uncomfortably, looking at Nicklaus. "Don't look at him. Look at me." 

"I was out." 

"You were out?" 

"Yeah, I was out." 

"Care to explain more?" 


The officer looks at him unsurely, before whispering something to Nicklaus and facing Gabriel. 

"I was with Soleil." 

"And what were you doing?" 

"Hanging out." 

"Doing what?" 

"We were hanging out at the cafe." 

"At 10pm?" 

"We're tired people." 

"You, what were you doing." He points to Jonathon, who was quiet for the time they were there. Nicklaus had left the room when the principal had called him out for a few moments.

"I was at the music store." 

"What were you doing there?" 

He stares at him in confusion; "I was painting the walls and dancing with a stuffed animal." He sarcastically says, the cop gives him a glare. 

"You, what were you doing?" He points to Adelaide, who wasn't paying attention and simply playing with a random pencil she had. Harper hits her leg softly, getting her attention. She looks up; "Oh, I was at home." 

"What were you doing?" 

"I was reading a book." 

"Have any of you had any problems with Atlas Collin?" 

"No, and we don't get why you think we did it." 

"We don't think that yet." 


"Adelaide Jones, you're in love with your best friend's partner. Harper Kade, did the exams for students, got money off of it. Gabriel Taylor, in anger of your best friend sleeping with your crush, you did the same. Cassiopeia-"

"Call them Soleil, please." Gabriel says quietly. The cop nods, quickly understanding. "Soleil, your mother-" 

"Don't say it." 

"Juliet Chambers, secret writing blog. Persephone Anderson, father-" Nicklaus stops him as he comes back. "Let's not say their secrets out loud, will you? They're still kids, believe it or not they have feelings. Poor kids didn't know their secrets would be out, didn't know their classmate would get murdered, they have to live with the constant regret they've already felt with having their secrets hidden for so long, now that it's out I can't imagine how awful they feel. Tell you what, we'll call it off for today. We have no reason-" 

"They're murderers." 

"They're kids." 

"They killed an innocent teenager." 

"Wasn't so innocent if he would do something like this to his own friends." 


"No. Saying their secrets out loud wasn't part of our plan. The plan was to ask them a couple of questions and go through their lockers, see what you can find and move on from there. You've asked the questions, they've had enough." 

"I didn't get to the main part though." 

"We can do that another time, Officer." 

The Officer defeatedly sighed and left the room after saying goodbye to everyone else. Nicklaus sat in front of them, smiling softly at them. The person in the corner had also left. "Listen. I know this is all confusing, and it can be scary. I'm doing my absolute best to help out, but there's only so little I can do. I believe you all when you say you had nothing to do with it." 

"At least we have one person that believes us." 

The principal walks in; "Officer, their classes will be starting soon. I was informed that there was nothing else to be done for today." 

"Yes, that's right sir. I'll be on my way. Take care kids, see you tomorrow. Harper, don't do anything stupid." 

"No promises." 


"Okay, fine. Do something stupid, I heard you. Now go." 

Gabriel, hands in his pockets turns to the rest of the group who were now standing up from their chairs. "So, 8pm." 

"Yep, meet by the train station. We'll take the train to our destination."

"Where are we going?" Jonathon questions. 

"Don't know, that's the fun of it."  

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