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You don't know how I'm feeling, so don't try to understand it

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You don't know how I'm feeling, so don't try to understand it. 

Atlas sprints towards Harper with a smile on his face

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Atlas sprints towards Harper with a smile on his face. Confused with the boy's actions, he sprints quickly towards the exit doors of the school. "Harper, wait up!" 

Atlas touches Harper's shoulder, to which Harper shoves off, but stops. "What do you want." 

"I wanted to say, have a good day." 

"You stopped me for that nonsense?" 

"Yeah, and also I know." 

Harper looks at Atlas, "What do you know?" 

"Oh, come on. Laura Fisher, Michael Anderson, Olivia-" 

"Leave me alone." Harper continues to walk, but Atlas follows. More people start becoming aware of the two and watch them.

"Don't think I'm dumb enough not to know where that money comes from." 

"Leave me alone, Atlas." 

"Don't tell me that you-" 

Harper pushes Atlas towards the lockers, the boy innocently smiling at Harper. "I said leave me alone. I won't say it again." 

"Harper Kade." The principal's voice sounds, looking at the two of them. A familiar camera click sounds from afar, making Harper look at his surroundings. Many students filming, silently hoping for a fight. 

"So much for wanting to leave early." Harper whispers, letting go of Atlas and following the principal. 

After a talk with those two, he gets sent with Adelaide into cleaning the classroom. Originally, Adelaide had offered to clean up after school, and Harper as a 'small detention' got sent as well, he got off with a warning. 

He opens the door, seeing Adelaide already organizing the bookshelf. He sighs, putting on his headphones, and sitting on the teacher's chair. Adelaide looks at him, placing a book down. "Are you planning on sitting there the whole time or actually do what you were sent to do?" 

"I can't hear you, my music's too loud." Harper smiles at her, going through the teacher's files and changing his scores. 

Adelaide gets up and removes his headphones, taking the files from his hands and putting them back. "That was very disrespectful, Adelaide." 

The two had a few classes together, but never fully knew each other that well. Adelaide knew him because he would often call out in class and when he didn't, he would be by himself. 

"Clean, organize, do whatever that's not what you're doing right now." 

He smiles at her and gets up, helping her with the bookshelf. "Do you have any siblings?" After a while of silence, Adelaide questions. She found there was no point in staying silent the whole time. 

"A sister. She's five." 

"What's her name?" 


"That's a pretty name." 

"Yeah, do you?" 

"I have a twin brother, Jay Jones." 

"Oh, I know him. Didn't know you two were related." 

"How do you know him?" 

Harper ignores the question; "Have you ever thought about running away?" 

"You're not going to like, run away are you?" 

"I was planning on having everyone from detention run away with me, for a day at least. I hate this school, I just want to leave for a bit. Get to know each other a bit more. I don't know, it's stupid." 

"It's not. I'm in." 

"Are you?" 

"Running away for a day? That's a dream." 

"Now you're just being sarcastic." 

"I'll think about it." 


"I will." 


The door opens, revealing a teacher. Harper rolls his eyes; "Harper Kade, I want to talk to you after you clean up." 

"No, I'm fine." 

"I wasn't asking." 

"Neither was I." 

"Harper Kade, would you like another detention?" 

"Quit saying my name, we know you know it." 

"Would you like another detention?" The teacher repeats.

"You'd give me detention for a stupid reason, seeing that this school is filled with stupidity, do as you please." 

"Harper, I will not talk to you again." 

"Then don't." 

"We will talk and that's final. Don't make me call your parents." 

"My father." 

"Harper. I'll talk to you after." 

The first secret out was sent at 4:10 pm. 

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