piercings and tats

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"Bye guys! Thank you for the amazing party!" Your roommate thank everyone at the door. You heard everyone say their goodbyes and their footsteps getting quieter and quieter.

Once you heard the front door of your shared apartment close you almost instantly felt a dip right by you in the couch and arms threw over your shoulders. "Thanks you for the surprise party, it couldn't have been better." Sasha kissed your cheek. "Anything for my best friend." You hugged her back rocking side to side.

She always smelt like good. Almost like cinnamon??

After your little hug moment she sat facing you, you did the same. "So you know i've been wanting too get my nose pierced for some time.." "yeah?"

"and i just think now would be the perfect time! Because my birthday, and since i'm officially a real adult, and that means i'm super responsible!" she named off her reasons like you were her mom who had just said no to a sleepover.

"Well.. like you said you're a real adult so do what you want." You stared at her worried face turning into the biggest smile, you could tell she was happy.

also because of the fact that she was jumping on the couch with her arms up in the air.

"So when are you going in too get this piercing? Are you going too have Pieck do this piercing too?" Pieck was a friend from highschool who had started a tattoo and piercing parlor with her boyfriend after she graduated college. Everyone you knew went and got their shit done by her because her work was perfect.

"Actually no. When you went too pick up the cake today, Mikasa mentioned this once piercing parlor that just opened down town that is supposedly really good. And i'm not sure if she's just saying that because Eren works there but she-"

"Hold up. Eren has a job?" It surprised you that Eren had actually went through and applied, more so got a job. He would always say shit like '"You will never catch me working for someone!" and "I'm too talented too be working!".

"Yeah he got one."  Sasha said reaching for a apple from the bowl in the center of the coffee table. "So i'm thinking of going in tomorrow morning and having him do my piercing so if he fucks it up I can shit on him everyday!" She took a bite of the apple and got up from the couch heading too the bathroom. "I'm gonna hit the shower then homework. You down too come with me tomorrow?" She asked from the bathroom door frame. "You know i'm down!" She gave a thumbs up with her free hand and shut the bathroom door.

After staying up till 3:45 am too finish some assignments, the only thing you wanted too do was sleep in.

The banging on your door at 7am said otherwise.



Sasha and another voice said banging on your door.

You lazily threw your legs over the bed and walked too the door swinging it open ready too punch the people behind the door. You starred at the overly hyper 21 year olds all dressed, ready for the day, at 7am.

All 3 of you awkwardly starred at each other, well actually those two were starring awkwardly at you because you looked like a mess. Your hair was originally in a high ponytail but you wouldn't call it that no more from how frizzy it was. You were also wearing a random baggy band tee and a pair of minecraft boxers.

"Connie what are you doing here so early." You said rubbing the sleepiness out your eyes breaking the silence. "All 4 of us are getting matching tats. That's it. Period." Connie said.

𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 (𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐟. 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now