Chapter 1: A Normal Day

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Winter had settled on the Mobian Refuge, but everyone was warm and safe within the walls. Smoke came from every chimney to warm the smallish houses and to cook wonderful meals. If you walked through this village now, you could still tell it was once an abandoned Renaissance Fair from some of the shops, castles, signs and the Pirate Ship building we use to house children that lost their loved ones. It didn't look like much, but it was safe and warm, and known as home to the Mobians.

I however, was not in the village right now. I was riding a black gelding called Dazzle with three other Mobians on patrol. Shadow, who was riding Flint, was armed with his pistol. Silver was riding Hope, and Trip the Weasel was riding a gelding called Ranger. He was armed with a bow and a quiver of arrows. I was also armed with a bow, but I also had a pistol just in case. We were patrolling the forests to ensure no one could find the refuge, and if someone was, we could get everyone to the Haven in time. I never exactly asked if I could use the fair grounds as a refuge, so a fear of mine was that the Mobians would be discovered by the Humans and would be shut down.

We came to a stop at an overlook of the village. I had to smile of at the peaceful sight. It looked like a painting that had come to life with the smoke curling from the chimneys and small specks that were the children playing in the fallen snow.

Silver smiled at the quiet scene, his breath showing in the cold air. "Think are looking pretty quiet, there was no sign of anyone hiking through here today."

"A nice change." Shadow replied.

I smiled. "Compared to the excitement of the summer anyway."

The Refuge had only been established for a few weeks when Ryan Weever had decided to send a robotic Shadow to wreck it. Thankfully, no one was hurt, but Silver and I were captured. I won't go into the details.

Trip looked behind us. "Didn't we want to check our stocks in Haven today?"

I nod at him. I wanted to check and see how we were doing on our food supplies. Haven was like a safe-house for the Mobians; it was an abandoned ranch that Knuckles, and several other Mobians fixed up. It was used as a storage unit and a place to hide the Mobians in case something happened in the Refuge.

"After that last blizzard we had," I answer him. "I'd like to make sure that the sheds are still in good condition."

The four of us turn our horses and ride toward Haven. We used the large barn and house for the Mobians, while there were sheds and a cellar we used to store our food.

We dismount the horses when we arrive and have a look around, the snow under our shoes crunching. The haven looked just as it did last week before the blizzard. Still abandoned, but not as lonely.

"We should check the sheds first." Shadow said, tying Flint to a post. "To see if they took any wind damage."

We also tie our horses and follow Shadow to the first five sheds. There was originally only three large sheds, but Knuckles insisted on building at least two more for the fruits, sacks of grain and sacks of seeds.

We walk in and Trip nimbly climbs the crates and boxes to the rafters. Silver follows him with the help of his telekinesis. He glowed like a lantern as he and Trip checked for leaks. Shadow and I stayed on the ground and checked for earthly mice.

"Looks alright up here." Silver reported, still floating amongst the rafters.

"And I'm not seeing any signs of un-wanted quests down here." I reply. "So far our first winter's looking good."

"We still have to check the other four sheds Em." Shadow reminded me. "And the cellar."

I nodded. I wasn't a big fan of the cellar, but I went anyway. It was the perfect place to store the deer meat from the bucks this fall, and it held the M.E. Seeds (Master Emerald Seeds) very well. He had them in the cold cellar in a plastic tub to keep them from germinating and growing in the cellar.

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