Chapter 8: Old Face and an Old History

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I was waking slowly, but I was on my knees. Thankfully the sound was gone. I slowly open my eyes and see that everyone else was on their knees as well, but they were still asleep. Blade was wearing a helmet, Jason and Sleek looked worse off with all those bruises, but my heart when I saw Doc and Silver. Both had a metallic band around their heads, like Silver had before.

"Doc?..." I asked, hoping he'd respond.


I took a moment to see how we were all upright. I was cuffed at the wrists and tied at the elbows to a metal pole. Metal? Where was he? I look around and saw he was also tied up, but he seemed to be waking up.

"Metal!" I said, unable to hide my worry and fear.

He looked up and worry flooded his face. "Emily! Are you functioning well?"

"So far," I answered. "You think you can scan around and see how we're tied up?"

Metal nodded and scanned the area. "We are all tied up the same. Cuffed by the wrists and tied at the elbows to poles. Our legs have also been tied, up around the lap and over the ankles."

I look down. Sure enough, my legs were tied tightly as metal had described.

A moan caught my attention. Doc was waking up!

"Doc!" I said. "Doc, you okay?"

"My head is pounding…." He answered.

"That's understandable." I said. "You've been fitted with a metal band."

Doc seemed to try and move his arm, but failed in the attempt. "Who else is awake?" He asked.

"So far just Metal and me," I replied.

Doc looks around at the others, it looked like Sleek was waking up, but having trouble doing so. Jason was blinking a bit and shook his head to clear it. "Ow….." He moaned.

"Yoster?" I asked.

Jason looked at me and grinned. "I'm okay…. This is normal…"

I couldn't help but grin. "I wouldn't expect anything less from Sonic's son."

"Good, You're waking up."

I shiver at the voice and look up. Standing in front of us was a tall man. He was dressed in blue jeans and a red shirt with a white lab coat. He had a clean shaven face, and startlingly blue eyes. Around his neck was a silver sparrow pendant, something I recognized instantly.

"But…." That was all I could say as I looked up at the man from my nightmares and my past. Robert Hopkins.

Robert smiled. "Oh good, you remember me. Then again I do leave quite an impression on people."

Doc looked at me, apparently the fear on my face of visible. He glared back at Robert. "Who are you?"

Robert looked surprised before looking at me again. "You never told them about me? I'm insulted Emily."

I shiver.

Robert then looked at Doc. "Eight years ago, from the year you four came from," He started. "Emily was in… fourth grade was it? I believe so. And I was in eighth, we both went to the same school. I was the toughest kid in that school, you might say I ruled the playground at the time." He smiled at the memories. "That is until Emily showed up. She was the shortest kid in class, but like a small yappy dog, she thought she was bigger….."

Eight Years Earlier…..

The schoolyard was loud, but I liked it already! The trees! The playground! Everything! I may have been the new girl, but that wouldn't stop me from having a little fun.

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