Chapter 7: Action!

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The fortress was more like a dark castle. Sleek had a pair of binoculars out and was scoping out the area. "There's a few guards." Sleek said. "but our entrance looks clear. The sewer there." He pointed to a sewer entrance.

I looked toward it and grimaced. "The sewer?"

"It's the best way in." Jason explained. "There's no cameras and we can travel faster."

Silver made a face. "Great…"

I was about to say something when Kayla tapped my shoulder. I look at her and she motioned me to follow her. We walked a ways from the group so we could talk privately.

"Is something wrong Kayla?" I asked.

She looked at me for a long moment before digging into her backpack and pulling out a journal. "The past does end up catching up with you Em." She said, handing me the journal. "Don't let it get in the way of your future."

I recognized the journal instantly. I had written in it often a few years ago. Memories come flooding back but I push them back best I can. "What can I do?..."

Kayla smiled. "Something I couldn't. Face him."

I look at her. "But you're me!"

Kayla only smiled. "But now you're more prepared for him. You can face him Em. Just remember Gods bigger. Okay?"

I felt like a child, but I nodded.

Kayla smiled and put a hand on my shoulder. "You're brave. With God you can handle anything."

"You two ready?" Sonic asked.

"Yeah," I answered. "We're ready."

"Cool," Sonic said as he and Sally walked up to us as I rejoined Doc and Silver. "Just in case I don't get there in time to see you guys off." He said giving me and Silver a hug and Doc a handshake. "I'll catch you guys later."

I had to smile. "Not if we catch you first."

Sonic chuckled. "Highly doubt that will happen."

Sally also came over and hugged us all. "Be careful in there okay?"

"You bet Sally." Silver said.

It took a few more minutes to say our goodbyes, but once we finished, we all got to business. Kayla, Sonic and Sally went to distract everything, so we were clear to go.

Blade walked into the study and stood behind Robotnic. "You called?"

Robotnic didn't turn around. "Bring me Metal Sonic."

Blade's fist clenched. But he knew if he refused, that blasted collar would be used on him. He simply nodded and left. He walked down to the fortress dungeons, his thoughts wandering back to Silver. He had held his little brother's hand in that last moment, before Robotnic caught him and collared him. His fist clenched. As son as he was free from this walking prison, he would blow Robotnics eardrums out.

The sewer was silent and eerie. I could hear rats somewhere in the place, the fact I could hear them made me shiver.

Soon, Sleek found what looked like a drain head and climbed up on the latter to reach it. I look over at Doc and Silver. They both looked disgusted, probably just as disgusted as I was.

"Almost there," Jason said.

Sleek pushed on the drain head and opened it. He poked his head out and looked around before giving us the all-clear and climbing out. We followed close behind him, each taking one of his hands as he hoisted us up.

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