The King's Trail Part 2: Secret Alliance

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It's a word that refers to something that has been tampered with or damaged, the term is often used to describe something that cannot be put back together but it is also used to describe a living being.

When applied to a person, it refers to someone who has lost all hope and joy. Somebody who has nothing left to live for or die for, and right now that's the most befitting description of an animal who was once seen as a ruthless unresting tyrant.

If Alice was a piece of glass, she would not only be broken, she'd be shattered into a billion pieces. And besides, what does she have to look forward to anyways?

As far as she knows, the world hates her. Almost everyone sees her as nothing more than a primitive savage who's only motive is to kill to satisfy some kind of enjoyment of hers, perhaps she is and a voice in her head is the only thing keeping her from accepting the truth.

Just look at the ones she hates, they're probably living out their lives to the fullest, Blue may not have her siblings but maybe she's still happy with that human who she bonds with. and that brown creature is probably telling everybody he sees about how he helped in the defeat of the Indominus Rex.

"Why?" Alice asked with a voice as broken as she was.

Why can't nothing go right in her life? Does she only exist to be life's punching bag? Nothing ever goes her way, and when it does something bad is right around the corner to mess everything up.

She wanted to escape into the outside world? Her brother is taken away from her.

She wanted to manipulate the raptors and turn them against their allies? They betray her and label her a monster.

She wanted every human on the planet to experience the pain she felt? A random beast from the water drowns her.

What the point? Even if she does end up escaping and breaking the cuffs that are binding her she knows that it will eventually result in something bad happening to her so what does she really have to look forward to?

At this point she'd happily starve herself just to be free of this pain, but she knows that it'll never stop. They brought her back to life once, and they can certainly do it again and again and again as many times as they need to without considering her mental stability.

Can't it just end? She's suffered all her life, can't she just have something good happen to her and no consequences will come from it? Who's she kidding? Something bad is always guaranteed to happen everytime something good in her life presents itself.

It's like an endless loop that just won't stop, or more accurately, can't stop.

"Why me? What did I do?" Alice spoke not in her regular voice, not was it a threatening voice that she'd use to intimidate her prey.

It almost sounded like her voice when she was still a little girl with a dream of exploring the world with her brother.

She wondered why Klayton had to be taken from her, she may have committed many sins in the past but when she was little she didn't act out of line, she didn't hurt anyone, she was always nice to whoever came along so why did fate have to be this cruel to her?

Alice started to remember even more of her past, and she remembered how sweet she used to be. Before the breakout, before the bloodshed, before the pain, she used to be so happy and lively. It was almost like she was looking into someone else's memories and not her own, but the thing is, that was her.

She was a sweet dinosaur at one point, a dinosaur with a pure heart and would never harm anyone. Even with her terrifying appearance she'd always greet the workers that fed her with a smile and never tried to bite their hands off.

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