#011 • 𝔸𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕙

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A soft breath gently eases me out of my slumber, it's constant rhythm soothing enough to almost lull me back into unconsciousness. I flutter my eyes open, luckily the surrounding were quite dark at the moment, so they didn't cause my pupils too much strain. It becomes quite clear to me that its currently nightfall, from the shadowed silhouettes of the furniture and the soft silver streaks of moonlight peaking through the tall windows.

My eyes trail down to the figures beside me. Or, I guess, on me. There lays a blonde male, who's head rests upon my lap, while the other is the petite female who's snuggled into my arms, like a teddy bear in a child's arms. I chuckle gently, in hopes of not waking the two resting forms. The duo seemed to be in quite a deep sleep, so they must have been up for a long while. No doubt overly worried about my well-being.

Talking about well-being... my arms felt like they were in quite the state earlier. But luckily they seem to be feeling much better now. Though, there still is a rather unpleasant ache to them, so they must not be completely healed yet.

'Venti, where are you currently?' I question, hoping that the bard hears my query.

'Glad you've awoken. I'm at Windrise, my dove.' He replies, a gentle breeze nipping at my neck, as a familiar smell of fresh grass, leaves, and Windwheel Asters fill my nostrils. An ambience limited to said location.

I gently climb out of the bed, carefully laying the male in the spot where I previously rested, and adjusting Paimon into the position she was just in, but under his arm instead of my own. Making sure to leave a quick peck on each of their heads, and a note on the nightstand, before I hurriedly leave, in hopes of meeting up with the bard before midnight.

─────・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ──────

Aether is quick to react, as soon as he awakens, his mind instantly goes to you. He heaves himself up, the sleep in his arms making them shake and nearly give out beneath himself, but he needs to find you. You're injured and Archons knows where you've wondered off to so late in the night.

Just as his feet imprint themselves upon the floor, a note beside him catches his attention. His hasty hand snatches it, eyes darting around the paper so quickly that he started to become slightly dizzy.

In neat cursive, you're message informes him of how you had set off to Windrise earlier that night, and how you hope that he has a good nights rest.

But no. You were wrong. How could he have a good nights sleep without your warmth beside him.

His worry soon turns to disgust once he reads the next line. How you went, not to get some air, no. But to see that disappointment of an Archon. The one who did nothing whilst you were screaming in agony... Barbatos...

He storms out of the building, leaving his floating companion behind on the hospital bed in the cathedral.

After about 25 minutes of a full on sprint, he makes it to the edge of Windrise. His breathing laboured as his lungs scream for air.

He squints, eyes examining the area for the familiar (h/c) of hair, as he makes his way over to the enormous tree. But his previous frantic breathing stops. His blood bubbles as if someone set a match within his skin. The sight of yourself and the bard laying upon the dark grass, his head rested upon your lap, as he gently strums his lyre. While you hum along to the tune. The male at your feet, lovingly looking up at your form that is sat against the bark of the tree.

The blonde's anger nearly dissipates then and there at the sound of the gentle and melodic voice of yourself, along with the way the moon emphasises the stunning features of yours that people know and love.  Your eyes sparking like the stars that you are currently so entranced by.

But all hope of him calming is scraped away at the eyes that look back at him mockingly. Their teal orbs nearly speaking words, as his mind knew what they were hinting at. 'Oh how you are wishing that you are in my place right now... aren't you?' Is basically what they are saying. 'Oh how I wish you were dead' Aether thinks, his brain already coming up with so many ways he wants to get rid of this man.

"Oh, hey! Aether!" You call out, your voice so soothing to his ears. He strides closer, trying his best not to run full speed to your form to embrace you. To take you away from the other male. To make you all his.

"Welcome. Welcome. We had just been reminiscing on the past. Care to join?" The bard exclaims, voice sweet and enticing, yet eyes holding the opposite. They were the eyes of a beast, one who will not hesitate to pounce if there is one single slip up.

Your eyes quickly flick between the two, both seeming carefree, yet you could feel a strong urge to leave. Like all is not what it seems. Quickly excusing yourself from the two, you hurriedly make your way back towards the city.

As soon as you're figure is so small in the distance that you look like nothing but a dot, the two speak once again.

Venti threatens Aether, "If you ever harm her in any way, whether that's physically or mentally, I will personally hunt you down and slaughter you." He practically growls, his eyes holding even more hostility than before. "And don't you dare get her mixed up in your shit, while you look for your sister."

Aether glares at him, teeth gritting and eyes fixed on the male before him. "I would never hurt her. But you need to help make sure that no harm comes her way"

The other retorts, "That, I'm doing already."

"Are you sure about that? That's not what I saw earlier."

"You know as well as I, that there was nothing either of us could do about that." Venti seethes. He's a patient personality in situations like these, but when it comes to you, and others doubting his ability to protect you, that's when his patience is truly tested.

The blonde snaps at this, fist clenched so tight that a river of blood drips from his palm to the soft grass below. Oh what a familiar sight. "No! You could have done something about that. You were more than capable of preventing it. It's just you didn't want to reveal your identity to your people! Which is more important, hiding your identity, or keeping the person you care about the most SAFE?!" He bellows, chest heaving up and down. His hand twitches at his side, trying his best to keep his cool. He knew that if venti were to return all bruised up, that (Y/n) would immediately know it was him and it would take a long, long time for her to forgive him.

Venti sighs as he finally explains, knowing that neither of them would like the answer, "You know how much I care about her. I would do anything, and I mean anything, to keep her safe. But, if I were to do something then, then the fatui would find out just how important she is and would hold her hostage to get us out of their way. They may even find out how big of a threat to their plan she could be. What would they do to her then, do you think? ...They'd kill her..."

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𝔸𝕟 𝔸𝕣𝕚𝕒 𝕠𝕗 𝔸𝕟𝕒𝕞𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕤 ~ Yandere Genshin x Reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now