Chapter 0: New world.

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Bzzzzz. Bzzzzz.

An errie and irritated TV static plague the room, though a box would be a fitter name. A purple light, the only light source, glows dimly over. The wall and floor are so downgraded that one would trip if careless. Everything seems like an uneasy experience for anyone to stay.

Yet, Mono sits in the center of the place.

The boy wears a brown shirt under a trench coat with grown pants. Though several adjustments or damage has been made. The end of the coat and shirt is shredded, and his shirt has scratches all over the surface.

He looks young, about the age of a teenager. This would be the time for every youth to have the freedom to fill good memories before adulthood.

This teenager, however, doesn't.

Bzzzzz. Bzzzzz.

Several TVs surrounding the boy emit a static screen, which then turns to footage of a little boy and his best friend traveling through the ruins of the mangled old world. They travel hand-in-hand through the wild forest and the distorted city. They run from the monsters and have their life on a string, but eventually, they get through.

Then, they start to show friendship and trust as they help each other through life-or-death situations.

A very cute coupl... *SMASH*

A TV shatters as the teen punches through the screen with such force that his hand bleeds. He neither shows any painful expression nor regrets. Anger and frustration are. Then, he turns to all the other TVs.




He continues breaking every single TV in his sight that dares to show what the first one displays.

He hates it!

He hates it so much!

He hates it because he knows it's him that is the boy on the screen.

How would he not know?

The boy then sits down to catch a breath after destroying the last TV, his uninjured hand on his forehead.

He knows that's the replaying of his journey through the Pale City with his "friend" as his naive young self has thought.

It has been a long time. Ever since ...

Mono clenches his hand as he thinks about THAT moment. Sure, he hasn't forgotten it and won't anytime soon.

It has been 10 years after all.

10 years spent in this dreadful room. And the TVs only make that errie and uncomfortable non-stop static. And with nothing to do, he thinks about his past experience. And that only boils his anger over the years.

So, the TVs displaying his journey with her are begging him to make them unfunctional.

Bzzzzz. Bzzzzz.

The teen hears the static again and turns toward where the noise comes from. There's still one TV left in the corner.

How could he not notice it?

The boy sighs internally before standing and walking toward the TV. Even with the bleeding hand, he insists on destroying everything that reminds him of the memories.

Though that's not the only reason, he knows, for the fact that he can't die here. He has tried to end his life several times but to no use. His body will always heal after he faints or sleeps.

LN x MHA Crossover: Nightmarish Heroism. (1)Where stories live. Discover now