Chapter 16

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Three. Two. One.


Everything would have gone right, and he would blow the Figure away. Yes, would have. That's what would happen if it wasn't for the fact that the mist engulfed and devoured his point of Constant whole, and a darkened claw pointed straight at his face, daring him to move an inch. Mono feels an aura engulfing his Constant so overwhelming that his Constant around his arms is too gone. Everything tells him the moment he moves, those dark mist and the pointy hand will crush his body instantly. However, after a few seconds pass after the Six-copycat stops its hand, Mono starts wondering why it stopped and why he still lives.

"...You're not him."

The Figure suddenly talks with a girly voice, surprising the boy. It only escalates further as all the dark mist swirls and converges back into the Figure's outline before him. She slowly forms into a more recognizable feature of Six, yet still shadowy. However, the things making him uneasy are its dark crimson, glowing eyes that now look too familiar to Six's and observe him throughout. It looks at him to assure that he isn't whoever it's looking for. So, he remains in his spot to avoid provoking the stranger.

Yet, if she hasn't killed him yet, it should be safe for him to talk.

"What are you?"

"You're her friend, aren't you, Mono?"

Mono looks surprised as the Figure speaks those words. Not only because the answer is unrelated but also because it knows Six. Mono tries to piece the information together. Its resemblance to Six and its property of dark mist similar to Six's "quirk" makes him think of a possibility. Is it Six's power? Everything about her is too vague and too little to take action.

One thing is to be sure: He is in her grasp, and none of his abilities can change that fact. Yet, he decides to talk it out.

"Her? You mean Six?"

"Yes. You're the friend she made after me, aren't you?" Mono nods lightly after a moment of pause and decides to tell her. Strangely, he doesn't feel any animosity against Six.

The Figure sighs long, making Mono feel as if she knows Six for an extended time.

"I still can't figure out why she always befriended with abnormality." Mono can see the Figure glaring behind him at Eri and changes her expression. "Let me help Eri. And don't interrupt the process."

The Figure talks as if they are already acquaintances, which at least makes her non-hostile, and Mono can't understand why. Moreover, she knows Eri, who has never been to the Nowhere. That is another detail Mono finds strange.

The Figure's gesture shifts, and walks to the broken door. Mono keeps his eyes on her, who approaches Eri on the silk sleeping, leaving behind a trail of dark smoke. Mono follows and wonders what she is doing, only to see a gesture of curiosity with the fainted girl from the Figure. Then, she touches Eri's wound gently with her smoky hand, to which the little girl reacts slightly. A thought comes to Mono. Could she ease Eri's pain?

"Can you..."


Mono is stunned by what the Figure has done right after he talks. The dark mist suddenly forms a giant claw plunging into Eri, who suddenly wakes up and looks shell-shocked before fainting instantly. Mono observes as the Figure keeps the claw inside the girl, which forms a shadowy hollow in Eri's body without leaking any blood. He rushes to punch the entity, only for the dark mist to appear and block his punch effortlessly.

"What are you doing!!!?!!!"


The Figure remains silent without any sight stopping and seemingly too focused on doing what she's doing now. Then, Mono is about to use his Constant punch as usual, only to stop at the realization that Eri may get hurt in the process. So, he slowly retreats his hands as he questions why he wants to rescue the girl. Is it that he wants to protect her? Like he once wanted to with Six? Or perhaps he knows he won't be good with Susio and Aizawa if he were to escape here without her?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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