Chapter 14: A World Beyond?

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The boy looks around frantically to see a familiar sight. In fact, Mono feels an uncanny familiarity between what he sees in front of his eyes and his unpleasant memory. The cool mild air breezes through his face, and the errie, silent, dark forest surrounds him. The moonlight shines through the towering trees and the branches. Moreover, on the grass gently moved by the wind around his surrounding open area are several broken TVs like the one behind him.

An uncomfortable feeling rises inside Mono as he looks at his back. And there it is. The thing he would love NOT to see in this scenario. Something makes his blood boil so much that he forgets the painful body.

A TV. And not the kinds of advanced versions like in the one inside the dorm where he first came to Shichi's world. It's the older and boxy alternatives. It has an irreversible crack on the screen. And that's lucky for it. Otherwise, it will meet his fist.

Mono looks around. The Wilderness stretches to the horizon, where trees and mist obscure his sight of anything further. However, the trees can't compare to the unmissable of the very bane of his existence. The thing standing and shining in the dust and cloud far on the horizon. The thing which makes him alone for how long he can't tell. His mind recalls the dreadful experience inside it. The monotonous ticking sound and regenerating TV screen display his regretful journey with Six.

The Signal Tower.

Has he returned to the cursed world again? This can't be real. Fury starts boiling in Mono again as he stares at the Tower as if it has caused some miserable time for him, which is true.

However, Mono decides it isn't worth it as he doesn't want to mess with the FUCKING Tower no more. Mono slaps his face to stop thinking about it, which effort he should put into thinking about why and how he got to this place. But the most important thing now is looking for a way out. The sooner he quits this place, the better.


Suddenly, a sharp pain erupts inside the boy as he holds it tightly. That's when he remembers that an explosion caused him to black out before waking up to this. Mono then checks his body, which somehow manages to stay intact on the outside without any injury. However, the pain is still there though it doesn't cripple his ability to walk. Mono moves himself forward to meet with a more familiar sight. The errie empty and devoid of any sights of life but flora Wilderness.

*Ting* *Ting* *Ting~*

Suddenly, the boy quickly gets alerted as he hears a familiar melody echo from a music box. Memorized by it, Mono wants to check where the music box is without thinking much about how obscure this is. Then, as abruptly as he hears it, the melody stops, and the minor breeze is all left. Mono knows something wrong exists here, and it looks clearly like a trap luring him. That's indeed true, as the Tower never stops controlling everything. Even the events bound to happen can be wrapped by it.

Yet, the boy doesn't stop himself from coming to the shack where he had his faithful encounter. And he starts walking.

As he walks through the forest, more and more familiar obstacles appear. Gaps, mechanics, and things that he needs his best stamina and thinking to get through. Now that he's much taller with the prior knowledge of expected obstacles ahead, he navigates effortlessly. Even the log rolling down the hill doesn't cost that much effort as he quickly outruns it. The only thing slowing his process is the trapper territory filled with bear traps, as he remembers, which doesn't take him that much time and effort to maneuver like he used to, as he can disarm every trap.

After Mono jumps on the platforms before the presumed shack, he wonders how he would come to this world after that explosion. Is he really in the Wilderness? Or is this his memory?

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