Chapter 10: The girl's fate soon changed.

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Italic dialogues are thoughts.

Underlined dialogues are in different languages.

(7:00 A.M)


Shichi turns to Mono, who leaves the room with a more intimidating aura surrounding him. Something about his mind has changed.

"Did he...?"

In the blink of a moment, Shichi thinks that Mono has defeated everyone inside. However, that thought quickly disappears as soon as Susio, his mentor, comes out unscratched with a genuine look of joy in his eyes.

The people behind him are the Principal and Shichi's headteacher, Aizawa, who has the same condition. However, Aizawa looks more unhappy than his colleagues.

"We're done."

Susio turns and looks at Shichi with his scarred eyes before he backs his look at Six. Shichi accordingly nods before he speaks with the principal, whose walking posture shows confidence and high levels of authority.

"Six has been resting, so I think she is good enough to go now."


The principal replies before giving a look of command to Aizawa and Susio, who likely understand, as he starts walking towards the stairs to the higher floor with Aizawa. And he doesn't forget to say goodbye to Shichi's group before walking away.

"How's the conversation with him?"

"Not to my preferences."

A quick chat between Shichi and Aizawa shows the former clearly how a majority of Japan's population would react to Mono being a Signalizer.

Regardless of that, Shichi checks Six to see her already making eye contact with Mono, who quickly ignores and follows Aizawa and the Principal. The boy's mood looks better, though it gives Shichi a chill to his back. Something sinister.

"Guess that's how Signalizers' true nature is. Something out of this world, stranger than Quick Singularity."



Susio calls for Shichi as the teacher nudges the latter and Six's shoulders. This startles the girl, even though Shichi quickly walks up the stairs. Six quickly does the same after some pause before the stairs, which Mono and the others have gone up.

In contrast, they are going down.

"So, we will go by the speed train, won't we?"

"Yes. But we won't be late."


"That's Japan for you if you can figure the way around the maze of the express systems."

"Which I still can't. (Sigh)"

Shichi chats casually with Six as Susio walks behind. He still can see some sorrow in her eyes, but he can see Six has gone out of her trance and is ready to go.

Shichi feels pitiful for Six as she doesn't have much freedom. The restrictions with the Otherworlders are never loose on any end, and Six is no exception.

Constantly under surveillance. Limitations on free time. Tracking device implanted. And many more.

However, that's the least they can do with such people after the last one the UA took in caused damage of such devastating magnitude that they nearly collapsed if it wasn't for the Minerva's Forces' intervention.

Moreover, Six doesn't mind the lack of freedom. Something about that makes Shichi admire her experiences within her old world to be more stressful and deadly if she didn't pay much attention to her freedom but her survival.

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