Chapter 11: The Angel's wrath.

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(Mono in this story is about 1.8 meters or 5'9, slightly taller than Bakugo, who is 1.72 meters, whereas Six is approximately at the same height as Uraraka, at around 1.6 meters or 5'2)

The hyper-jet flies at such rapid speed that it splits clouds into halves. Yet, the inner space stays stable.

Mono is curious about such vehicles as this didn't exist in his world, or his social status was too low to see one. However, what catches his attention more is the little girl inside the glass pod in the middle of the room at the back of the vehicle.

A young girl looks about 9 or 10 years old with a tiny figure, compared to him, and platinum hair with a little horn poking on her forehead. However, that's where things get concerned when that horn is glitchy and fazing in and out of existence, like a disconnected TV.

As far as he knows, people's bodies don't usually adapt to the power of Signal Tower, or the Constant as they named it in this world. And the little girl before his eyes doesn't only have her head, which has part of the hair corrupted, but also her right arm and left leg.

Yet, there's something that feels off about her. Mono doesn't notice any similar power or "corruption" as he tries to sense the girl's glitchy body parts.

Is it something alien that has similar properties to the Constant?

Mono and Nezu carefully approach the girl as the former wants to get closer to inspect the girl. Suddenly, the latter raises his hand, ordering the boy to stop in track while they are about 1 meter away from the pod.

That isn't enough for Mono to conclude regarding his questions in mind.

"Do you notice her?"

The Principal asks the boy as he walks around the pod to the broad and likely comfortable couch on the other side.


Mono answers the question as he follows the Principal's path. On the way, the boy observes the girl with curiosity and tries to recall his memories for the girl. However, that effort is futile as he only remembers the anger upon meeting Six and his boiling rage while fighting her.

Then, there was nothing else in his head until he met Susio at the confinement.

However, now that he thinks about it, he can't recall anything about when he fought the teacher in a disturbing appearance, which was a monstrous angel with a demonic presence. He doesn't know anything about the form he took in the period staying in the Nowhere nor since he came to this world.

"Then, what was it?"

Mono thinks and looks at Nezu, who looks at him with the one keen eye.

"She's the second one you infected when you went in rage at the first night you came to this world."


"The strange thing is that your Constant corrupts neither her nor Shichi, who should have become the Mutilated."

"You mean what Susio has shown me?"

"Yes. However, those are what they could have become. Yet, both of them survive YOUR interaction, which is a phenomenon to say the least."

Now, Mono understands why these people keep him. They have turned attention to him, which may be a way to combat the Corruption from the Nowhere that nearly ravaged this world before. Things sure get so desperate for them to fight fire with fire.

However, there's one thing bugging him. Why didn't they do anything to Six? Anything that happened on his first night with Six showed him that Six had gained some newfound power rivaling him after her betrayal all those years ago.

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