Chapter 13: The Incident

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The sky calmed down from the intense inferno sphere, distinguishing drastically from a secondary sun to nothingness again. The only thing left of it is the ash of many unfortunate things stuck in the inferno and the blazing leftover heat.

Above the calm sea surface, a jet flies through a heated breeze, with the situation inside slightly tense. One of the two teachers, Susio, puts a mask on the boy's face with some containers of transparent gas. The other one, Aizawa, looks at the boy with slightly annoyed eyes while sitting on the chair near Principal Nezu, who now watches the hologram showing the boy's condition. "His internal organs are severely damaged, and his heart is slowing down to a halt. We might need to prepare for the second phase."

"Let's wait a bit, Principal. I want to observe him more. And if he were to go to the next phase, I would neutralize before wasting this jet to escape."

Aizawa looks at Susio and sighs before sitting back down. Something on his expression seems forfeited before his coworker's decision, as it doesn't look like he can jump and fly to the mainland fast enough. Aizawa closes his eyes to rest after making the rope turn back into a box that fits his pocket. Then, he asks Nezu about Eri's well-being, who has been sleeping during the whole encounter with the Nomu.

In response, the Principal turns on the hologram where Eri's condition is. Aizawa looks and instantly becomes surprised to read what's on the gray hologram filled with all statistics sitting at zero.

"Subject not Found."

Aizawa rushes towards the room's main door where Eri sleeps, his eyes showing some panic. Meanwhile, the Principal focuses on something on a different hologram. Susio opens the door for Aizawa and follows his friend after glaring at the silent Mono on the floor once. His yellow eye glows, seemingly inspecting what could have happened. As the teachers open the door and look closely inside, Aizawa shows surprise and slight disbelief at what he sees.

"Where's Eri?"Hmmm."

Aizawa looks closer at the empty capsule where Eri should sleep inside. Instead, the vacuum resigns. Susio walks inside and observes around while Aizawa does the same with the capsule. Nothing of Eri seems to remain. It is as if she has disappeared while they encountered the Nomu.

"Hey, Susio. Is this related to the Constant infection on her? Or was it the explosion that caused this?"I think the Annihilation reaction from the explosion may trigger The Constant to wrap her in the boy's old world. Moreover, I didn't expect you to stay calm."Because you know she isn't capable of defending herself from the horror of that Signalizer's world. And you know I will execute him the moment I confirm..."

Aizawa says with an aggravated voice, and his body remains barely composure and ready to throw hands. However, he quickly gains back control as the room suddenly shakes due to external impact on the jet's hull. Aizawa then grabs the box in his pocket and walks out of the room with a rope wrapping around his arms.

"Aizawa! Susio! There's incoming!"

However, as Susio is about to follow his coworker, the roof of the room above him suddenly tears down with a thundering crack as the metal flies rapidly at him. Yet, the metal pieces promptly stop as they are merely before his face. The teacher looks at the hole with surprise to meet eyes with the Nomu, somehow survives the blast, and fully recovers. It grabs tightly and digs deep into the hill of the jet before bloating itself to triple the original size, immobilizing itself in the process.

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