Chapter 1: Familiar?

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A neutral voice reaches Mono's ear, making him alert. He quickly gets up and prepares a defending pose against the person. However, he only sees the radiant red eyes in the dark. And those remind him of someone he knows. Someone he despises.

Rage suddenly boils inside him. That brings up forbidden memories, and he hates it.

"You just...came out of the TV screen."

Mono stares at the boy. Despite the darkness, he can make out that the boy is the same age as him or younger. His hair is brown, tidy, and long enough to hide a faint scar between his neck and left shoulder. And he wears horizontal-striped blue clothes from top to toe. The most noticeable thing about him is the crimson eyes that somewhat glow in the dark?

The boy appraises Mono for a second before he talks once more.

"That was..."

The opposing boy moves closer with a lower and more serious tone. Mono shifts slightly to a more defensive pose, preparing for the worst. And...


The boy shouts in admiration and a joyful tone.



Mono hears the sound of something being switched, and simultaneously his eyes are blasted with the suddenly extreme brightness. He holds his eyes to avoid the shining atmosphere since he has never experienced this much light before. Even the most illuminated light source in Pale City he's seen, the flashlight in close is obscure compared to this.

What the hell is this much light?

Mono lets his eyes slowly recover from the flash. He tries to look at the sources on the ceiling, but this time he peeks with his bandaged hand covering.

"Oh. Sorry."

Mono hears the teen apologizing as the light flashing at him gets turned off, and his eyes can start seeing now. There is still light on the opposite side of the large room, but it doesn't affect him much anymore.

"You don't look like someone I've seen around here. Where are you from?"

However, his concern is the boy in front of him now. This boy starts to annoy him the moment he talks cheerfully. That reminds him of his past self.

Static glows around his hands. And instantly, the boy seems to see the danger that brings along.

"Wow. Wow. Calm down. I'm not going to attack you."

The boy says while taking a step back.

Mono doesn't believe that attitude.

*Click* *Click* *Click*

Mono then notices the Nomes start moving away from him. And they retreat back or run around him to behind the boy.

Are they scared of my power?

However, they walk very calmly, not in a complete panic as the one he encountered in the Hunter's attic.

"There. See? I'm no harm to you."

Mono looks at the boy with less caution and more that of surprise. He talks as if he is the one making the Nome do that. And Mono has never seen that before.

The boy slowly walks towards Mono after seeing him less cautious. Then, he lends his hands to Mono on the floor.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Shi..."

His little greet is interrupted by Mono slapping his hand away. And he can feel his hand shaking as if he gets shocked by electricity.


LN x MHA Crossover: Nightmarish Heroism. (1)Where stories live. Discover now