Chapter 12: Constant

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*After Mono and Nezu walk into the room with "Eri"*


As the door closed where Mono and Nezu entered, movements appeared from Aizawa and Susio. The two teachers got up and tidied their clothes as both got their weapons ready.

Susio got the handguns from his belt, glared at the door the Principal and Nezu went to, and looked back at Aizawa, who didn't express much emotion in his posture.

However, his eyes, or eyes as he only has one left, looked at Susio with slight annoyance. It's because of his deep hatred towards the surely upcoming Nomu for the boy.

Or maybe Susio decided it was a great time to spin his guns on both hands, which was distracting for Aizawa to focus. The former then clutched the guns tight in hand and looked back with an imaginary smirk under his metal jaw.

"You know I am not interested in your trick anymore, Susio. And this mission is essential for stabilizing Eri's condition, so we don't have much time left."

"Yeah, I know. But for someone who talks to their friend by name but not hero name, you sure make a better joke than I do, Shoto."

Susio turned back to the door.

"Her condition is fine with them. One of them understands a lot about the Constant and finds a way to nearly neutralize it."

Aizawa showed an acknowledgment and lightened his anger. He knew who Susio referred to, so he and Susio continued the quick preparation for the Nomu.

Susio checked Aizawa's robotic eye for any potential malfunction that could detrimentally affect the latter's quirk. Some holograms. A hologram appeared from his gadget on the wrist with a mechanic eye that showed its status and description.

"You're good."

Aizawa looked around with his robotic eye and showed no difficulties.


The eye hologram disappeared, replaced by a blue scanner system. It had the center emitting waves that quickly expanded, with the circle being their end. Within, some green glowing points were moving in a V-shaped formation on the side of the jet.

Susio took a quick look outside to see a flock of seagulls flying by the plane, to which he paid no attention since it was expected to see them on the sea.

Outside the scanning circle were various moving numbers showing the conditions of the sky. Humidity. Wind speed. Time. Distance from the mainland. Everything needed for their incoming mission.

Before going to the door, Susio typed something on the holo-keyboard and threw a small box with a big gray letter A to Aizawa, who grabbed it effortlessly.

"It's your request."

Aizawa put his finger on the middle of the letter A and a suit. From the small box, it turned and reshaped into a fine white rope with a shiny surface wrapping around radiant gold protection goggles with small windows. It had been his signature weapon for a long time, and Susio had fixed and improved the durability of it. However...

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