Chapter 5: The proposal (Part 1)

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Mono's eyes open to see a ceiling, which looks like a clear sky with shining stars. That's an unusual sight for someone having just woken up from his coma.

"Good morning."

Mono's eyes meet with a face of a familiar man, who he can't really remember due to the dizziness in his mind after sleep.

"Are you yourself now?"

The silhouette of the person becomes more apparent, revealing that the person before him sits on the chair of his opposition with the two little objects shaped like guns hanging on the sides of the chair.

Yet, Mono's mind still hasn't got a hold of his situation.

"Huh? You are...?"

"Susio Yamato. The head teacher of UA's support and hero department."

"Hero..." Mono then widens his eyes.

The boy finally becomes aware, and the first thing he thinks about is what happens last in his memories. Six.


He furiously yells as he leans his body ahead. Spark can be seen around his hair briefly. However, the effort quickly stops due to a firm pull on his arms.


He notices his body confined within a metal case against a radiant blue chair. And his arms are completely covered by a device with keypads, which, with the other thing on his body, cripples his movements so much that he can barely move any parts of his body other than the head.

That somewhat replaces his anger with confusion.

"What's up with this?"

"I'm not sure if you should show that hatred too much there, Mono."

The adult says with a neutral voice, which doesn't give much information for him to understand the situation. However, that was soon replaced with a surprised face.

"Your secret execution has been set."


-----------------2 hours ago-----------------

"Hi, Doc." Six said as she laid Mono down on the entrance, blocked by the heavy metal doors.

Susio got a towel from his coat for the girl, who took it and sat near Mono.

"So, what will happen now, Doc?"

Drying her wet hair and face, Six asked the adult.

"Things will get complicated real quick."


"There's something you have to know about the kind that your boyfriend is." Susio said blankly, to whom Six reacted with a slight blush. However, she quickly returned to listening to what the teacher said.

"Every Signalizer has a second phase."

Upon listening to that, Six hastily turned to Mono to see a horrific sight. Mono glitched drastically in and out of the floor. His face showed terror and confusion, yet she couldn't see any consciousness inside his eyes. The space distortion around him turned purple from the familiar grayish color.

"What's happening to him?!" Six said with confusion.

"As I said, the Signalizer is entering the second phase. A perfect time to execute one."

The adult then raised the radiant blue gun to the twitching, defenseless boy.

Six was about to stand up against the adult, only to stop as he threw them at her. He rearranged his jaw and tightened his gloves, making sure that everything would go by the plan. Then he stepped right by Six, who froze by surprise, to the boy.

LN x MHA Crossover: Nightmarish Heroism. (1)Where stories live. Discover now