Chapter 9: The impending incident.

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Six and Shichi walk outside as they take a breath of air after such a heavy atmosphere.

"WOW! That was the most serious I had seen Principal Nezu ever before."

Shichi waits for a short moment and meets with a silence from Six, who still stares at the door.



"What's your deal with that Signalizer? You are familiar with him, aren't you?"

Shichi interrogates Six as she looks slightly puzzled, thinking of an appropriate answer. Eventually, she nods.

"Now, that just makes things more awkward for them."


Shichi and Six walk down the hallway to the stairs while looking at the moon shining through the window.

"So, are you a Signalizers too? Or a variations of them?"

"NO! I'm not. Why do you think of that?"

"I don't know," Shichi says with a slightly mocking voice. "Suddenly appearing in the heat of Eri's rescue mission? Unusually overpowered ability? Knowing well with a Signalizer!?"


"Though, the middle one is invalid, considering that our teachers' quirks after the Cataclysm have become the new high for society."

Shichi says carefreely while crossing his hands behind his head. While doing so, he takes a peak to his companions for her reaction.

"Hah. I'm not one of them."

"How do you know? Your and Signalizers' power both literally touch the fundamentals of life and physics itself."

"Then, how do you explain quirk then? As far as I know, fire needs fuel to burn but some people with fire-related quirks don't suffer burn."

"Oh. You haven't learned that? Let me tell you...WAIT A SECOND! Don't change the topic."

Shichi stops and turns to Six with a look of realization. Six, on the other hand, makes a slightly disappointing look, which is quickly by a joking tone.

"Hehehe. I thought I could have fooled you. You have gotten smarter. Hope you one day to reach Doc's level."

"(Sighs exhaustedly) Being a sibling with the top is never easy. However,"

Shichi turns back to Six.

"You still have to answer the question."

"Alright. First thing first,"

Six says and raises her hand for a black cloud forming some figures.

"I am close friends with him...Was. And we traveled together through the Nowhere for a while before I come to this world."

"I knew that from your look. However, judging from his reaction to you, I wonder if some conflicts have happened?"

"We did. And things escalated so quick that I went with the flow. However, he did leave such an impression that my journey afterward still somewhat involves him regardless of his already hatred for me."

"Before our first reunion, I was able to find a moment of peace with some remaining sane people."

Six then looks outside at the half-on sun. Six enjoys the warm, comfortable sunlight shining through the window. Shichi can see some remorse in Six's eyes as she relishes this moment of peace.

"We couldn't see sunlight before, either in our eyes or life. Only the strong can survive. That was the first thing I learned upon realizing my existence. And I believed it for a long time until a person before him came out to save me. However, as much as I tried to pay back, I couldn't stop her demise."

LN x MHA Crossover: Nightmarish Heroism. (1)Where stories live. Discover now