Chapter 3

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Me, nat and pietro leave tony in the building to try and find y/n, i know we've only been on one date. I cant bear to lose her she means to much to me and one day i want her to become my girlfriend and maybe even one day become my wife, i know its soon to think that but she is the only one i ever wanted, we search in every hydra base we know off and she is no where to be seen, i start to cry again as i lost my best friend, pietro and nat walk to me to give me a hug

Nat: we won't quit looking until we find her wanda

Pietro: we will get her back home

But that was all 3 years ago, i never stopped searching for her where as pietro and nat did, because they thought they killed her but i didnt want to believe it and because tony didnt care about y/n he had the audacity to have another daughter and she is already 2 years old but with this one he actually loves her not like he did with y/n he never love her I wanted to kill him but I knew that is wrong even though it killed me

Nat: wands you have to stop we've been searching for 2 years

Wanda: no i wont, I'll bring her home, just because you both gave up doesnt mean i will

Pietro: sister this isnt healthy

Wanda: i don't care I said to her before we went on that mission i would never leave her side and i did and looked what happened hydra got her and now i might never see her again, but i will always search her for so bye

I teleport away to try and find my love just hoping she is still alive, and she is ok

*y/n's pov* 3 years ago*

Y/n: what do you want with me, I'm no one

???: thats not true your tony starks daughter

Y/n: so what if i am, he won't come to save me

???: yes he will, your his daughter

Y/n: don't remind me, he doesn't love me

Someone walks in

????: enough talking

???: she is saying tony stark won't save her

????: we don't need him to save her we need someone else to save y/n

???: i don't understand

????: we need wanda maximoff to save her, she was our most powerful twin


????: oh it seems we've hit a nerve on her, take her away and wipe her memory of everything and get her training with the winter soldier


???: shut up

The guard takes me into another room

Y/n: who are you and why on earth are you working of hydra

???: im not, I'm under cover wanda sent me a message to find and save you

Y/n: who are you  

???: the names smith, agent john smith

Y/n: I've never heard that name before

John: it doesnt matter, what matters we need to get you out of here before

Theres loud noises coming from outside the door

Y/n: they found us

John: run I'll keep them busy

Y/n stark: the unwanted daughterWhere stories live. Discover now