Chapter 10

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3 weeks have passed and wanda and y/n are packing their luggage to head back to New York back to the real world of nagging fathers and y/n might finally meet her younger sister Morgan. Who she has never seen in her entire life. The time is roughly 12 pm

Wanda: love, have you got everything

Y/n: yes baby but I'm gonna double check just you know what I'm like

Wanda: that's very true i do my love

Y/n: how has it been a month already

Wanda: time flies when you're having fun

Y/n: especially our fun

Wanda: this has been the best first holiday ever

Y/n: i agree

Y/n walks into the same room as wanda closer to her and kisses her passionately on the lips

Wanda: love I'm not complaining but we need to pack

Y/n: packing can wait

Wanda: babe, i would never say no to you but we need to concentrate

Y/n: ok, your right we should be packing

Wanda: i promise when we get packed and all done if we have time then we can have fun

Y/n: ok babe deal

Y/n and wanda continue to pack their stuff and checked the whole room to see if they had everything before leaving to go back to New York to the real world and all its drama

3 hours later they had finished packing to head back to New York

Wanda: so i think we have everything

Y/n: i think we do too, so wands what time are we leaving to go back to New York

Wanda: what's the time now

Y/n: 3 pm

Wanda: ok so if we leave in 10 minutes then we will be back in New York for 11 pm or possibly 1 am at the latest with the pee stops

Y/n: so we have 10 minutes

Wanda: yes we do

Wanda sits on the bed and y/n sits on wandas lap and wanda start kissing her neck leaving love bites

Y/n: i love you wands so much

Wanda: i love you more princess

20 minutes later wanda realises the time

Wanda: shit baby as much as i would love doing this but we gotta go

Y/n: shit yep i got it, I'll grab the suitcases and you grab the bags

Wanda: got it

Y/n and wanda walk out of their hotel room and went to the main reception to give back the key

Wanda: thank you it was amazing

Y/n: agreed you guys were amazing

Wanda opened the door for y/n and they both headed to the car y/n packed everything nice and neatly. Wanda gets in the driver's seat and starts the car ready to leave as soon as y/n gets in the passenger's seat, and wanda drives for 4 hours and y/n is fast asleep wanda smiles at her before looking back at the road

Timeskip to midnight back in New York

*Wanda's pov*

We finally arrived back at the compound y/n was still asleep it's adorable watching her sleep, i had to wake her up even though I didn't want to unless i can carry her inside with waking her, i text nat on my phone

Y/n stark: the unwanted daughterWhere stories live. Discover now