Chapter 1

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*in her diary*

Y/n: Hi my name is y/n, y/n stark, yes is it that stark, the 0ne and only tony stark, genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist as he says every time. The date is 10th November 2016 and the time is 10 am, we got two new avengers, wanda and Pietro maximoff, twins.

I've been living in the compound for my whole life since mum passed when I were born and have been in my room since then, I hear voices all the time but I'm not allowed out of my room but over the past year wanda has been checking in on me every day. bringing me food and drink and talking to me so I don't go insane. But today I left my room for the first time since I finished high school when I was 18

*real life*

Y/n: dad have you got anything I can eat

You look at your dad and see everyone sitting there staring at you

Y/n: oh shit

Nat: I'm sorry dad, who your dad

Tony: I am unfortunately

Wanda: tony don't be mean

Tony: why it's her fault her mother is dead

After hearing those words you run back to your room and slam the door shut and start crying up against your door

Nat: tony that was cruel

Steve: I agree, you should never say that to anyone

Tony: oh whatever

Wanda: I'm going to check on her since you don't care tony

Wanda goes to your door And knocks lightly

Wanda: y/n its wanda

Y/n: leave me alone, please

Wanda: no that's not going to happen I'm your friend y/n when no one knew you were here I did

Y/n: I know wands but I want to be left alone right now

Wanda: please open the door


Wanda is shocked that you shouted at her but left you to calm down

Wanda: well done tony shes crying and shouting now I wonder where she got the shouting from

Tony: I don't care

Nat: I think we better let her calm down, for now, she'll talk when's she's ready

14 hours have passed and the time is now midnight everyone has gone to sleep apart from you. You leave your room to finally get some food as your staving and had nothing to eat all day, you decided on *your fav easy meal* and cook it in the microwave trying not to be too loud

13 minutes later your food has cooked, you take it out of the microwave and place it on a plate and head to the table to sit and eat it while listening to music on your phone with your AirPods

5 minutes later you feel someone tapping on your shoulder

???: hello y/n

Y/n stark: the unwanted daughterWhere stories live. Discover now