Chapter 19

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Two days passed, y/n on her way to meet bucky at an old safe house and walks her way to the abandoned barn near the house as they claimed as theirs when they escaped hydra together, as the two meet eyes they ran up to each other for the biggest tightest hug ever before bucky pulling away and punching y/n in her arm

Y/n: bucky what was that for

Bucky: that was for leaving

Y/n: you left me first remember

Bucky: that was different

Y/n: that's bullshit and you know it

Bucky: language

Y/n: your starting to sound like my dad

Bucky: hey do you want help or not

Y/n: yes im sorry

Bucky: so where do you want to start

Y/n: well when i get mad i either shoot a big flash of light either through my Hand or my chest killing everyone near it or my hands glow red a bit like wanda's powers

Bucky: right so how can we control that anger

Y/n: i only really get angry if someone hurts wanda or talks shit about her

Bucky: ok, only if its about Wanda

Y/n: or anyone of my family but it's mainly been about wanda

Bucky: as you care for her the most

Y/n: well i mean yeah, i love her

Bucky: ok so imagine there is a hydra agent talking shit about wanda, like really picture it

Y/n: i dont want to hurt you though buck

Bucky: you wont i have a Vibranium arm that will protects me from harm

Y/n: ok im ready

Bucky: i will just go to cover just in case

Y/n: good idea buck

Bucky: ok y/n go im safe over here

Y/n: ok

Y/n pictures that someone is talking shit about her wanda and shoots them with a huge bolt of light coming from her hand leaving a whole in the wall of the abandoned barn near the safe house

Bucky: ok that was very unexpected

Y/n: see why i need to control them

Bucky: yes I see why now and I see why you broke up with Wanda

Y/n: don't remind me, I'm trying not to think about it, I didn't want to break her heart I just knew that I wouldn't be able to be with her while my powers are like this

Bucky: I know y/n but will you be getting back with her after you can control them

Y/n: I want to but I don't know if she'll take me back buck, I broke her heart it will take time for her to trust me again and to love me

Bucky: but you still know that she loves you, you'll ever know unless you try y/n, so let's try and control your anger so you don't go blasting holes in walls

Y/n: thank you buck, how am I meant to control my anger

Bucky: not sure yet but we can figure it out together


5 months has passed since y/n and Wanda broke up and Bucky has been helping y/n with her power situation, Wanda has slowly started feeling less heartbroken but is still in pain from losing her one true love.

Y/n stark: the unwanted daughterWhere stories live. Discover now