Chapter 17

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*third person pov*

The next morning y/n woke up and feel the bed is empty, she wasn't beside me, y/n started to feel worried until wanda walked back into the room and went straight up to y/n

Wanda: it's ok my love, im here your safe

Y/n: where did you go

Wanda: went to the vending machine to get a snack

Y/n: thought you left me

Wanda: im never leaving you again remember, im going to be here till the end

Y/n: i love you so much wands

Wanda: i love you ten times more my love

Wanda climbed back into y/n's bed and started cuddling before they were interrupted

???: im sorry didnt mean to interrupt

Wanda: it's ok are you new here

???: i mean yes and no, im subbing in for Dr grey, the names Dr. Pierce

Wanda: is Dr grey ok

Dr. Pierce: shes just come down with a cold and she asked me to sub in for her specifically

Y/n: do you know dr grey personally

Dr. Pierce: actually yeah we are sisters, well half sisters but thats not why im here

Wanda: is everything ok

Dr.pierce: well the first time you came in, dr grey took some blood am i right

Y/n: yeah she was going to see if i had depression or any others

Dr. Pierce: yeah so we forgot to tell you when you were last here, but i can confirm... you do have depression also anxiety

Wanda: that would explain your panic attack yesterday my love

Y/n: is there anything i can do for them

Dr. Pierce: well we can put you on anti depressants, as for the anxiety if it gets really bad come back and I'll get you a prescription for some more tablets

Y/n: will do thank you dr. Pierce

Wanda: how much longer does she have to stay in

Dr.pierce: thats not up to me as im not her actual doctor, but I'll ask dr bailey

Wanda: i think y/n has two doctors

Dr. Pierce: yeah dr bailey and dr grey

Y/n: i dont know why though

Dr.pierce: well it's mainly dr bailey but she wanted dr grey here too as it might be useful

Y/n: where is dr bailey today

Dr. Pierce: she took the to spend with her husband on their anniversary

Wanda: well we best dont want to disturb them

Dr. Pierce: no we dont

We all ended up laughing before dr. Pierce leaves the room to call dr grey to ask when can i get released

Y/n stark: the unwanted daughterWhere stories live. Discover now