Chapter 18

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One month later, wanda and steve left the compound on their adventure to find y/n to bring her back home, but no matter where they searched they couldnt find her, they began to lose hope until they spotted a clue of y/n's lying on the floor

Wanda: steve, this is y/n's i know this for a fact

Steve: i know why would that be here she wouldn't take this off

Wanda: it her engagement ring, the one i gave her, she wouldn't remove this unless she was taken

Steve: we cant think like that wanda, we will find her i wont lose her

Wanda: me neither, i want her to be my wife, we need to find her so i can place this back on her finger

Steve: i want to see you two get married, you knew y/n the longest

Wanda: only a year more

Steve: a year is still a year wanda

Wanda: should we return to the compound and get bucky involved he should be up for it now

Steve: i would say yes but we lied to him about where she was, when I bought him back

Wanda: so he can recover, you put his health first

Steve: he wont see it like that

Wanda: ok but we cant give up

Steve: i can do this all day

Wanda: oh boy

Steve:*laughs* ok,ok im sorry, lets continue, lets find y/n and bring her home

Wanda: wait i could probably use my powers to try and track her by using the ring

Steve: that might work

Wanda focuses on the ring to try and pin point a location on y/n. 5 minutes later wanda got a location

Wanda: i got it steve

Steve: lets go then

Wanda and steve follow where the ring was going it lead to an abandoned building, as steve and wanda were about to enter there was a big flash of light

Wanda: thats y/n it has to be


(Y/n's pov before wanda and steve arrived)

Y/n: what do you want with me

???: we want the iron soldier back in our control

Y/n: nice try but it wont work anymore, im no longer a hydra project

???: once a hydra project always a hydra project

Y/n: my fiancé and dad will find me

???: you told us one time he wouldnt so were you lying before

Y/n: no i wasnt, i got a new dad asshole

???: really who would want you, your weak, pathetic and a scaredy cat

Y/n: i am not weak

???: oh really then why were you so easy to catch then huh

Y/n: that's none of your business

???: when and if your father and fiancé do arrive, we will make you kill them as iron soldier

Y/n: i wont do it

???: but you will have no choice, you'll be under our control

Y/n: you cant make me, i have people who love me and i love them

Y/n stark: the unwanted daughterWhere stories live. Discover now