chapter 23

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The team all head home from the trauma of thanos, steve holding y/n in his arms, before placing her on bruces work table to see if she can be revived, the survivors on the snap all arrived at the compound, Rocket Raccoon sits down with Nebula and takes her hand, both silently mourning their losses. In the Avengers Compound. The heroes are sitting in a living room area. the front door opens and they all see a face they didnt expect to see ever again


Nat: tony y- your here

Tony: yeah im here, heard thanos got the better of you

Nat: nows really not a good time tony

Tony: wheres rogers, i need a word with him

Nat: he's not emotional stable right now

Tony: why whats happened

Nat: it's about y/n

Tony: whats happened to her

Nat: tony... she was... one of the infinity stones...

Tony: what.. is... is she alive

Nat: follow me tony, you need to see this

Tony follows nat to where steve is

Nat: steve, tony is here to speak to you

Steve: *gets angry* WHY IS HE HERE

Nat: steve breathe, he only wants a word with you

Tony: is she... alive

Nat: yes, but barely, we managed to save her... but she was really injured.. thanos squeezed her neck to get the mind stone out of her brain, and it caused her a lot of damage to her body, and thanos snapped so it also dusted away 50 % of the world, including wanda, bucky and many more. we have been waiting to see if she wakes but we havent had much luck yet

Steve: i-i've been by her side since i bought her back here

Tony: i shouldve been there to help you all, but ive been to meaning to come by and check on y/n but i didnt think she would want to see me

Nat: she would appreciate it tony, but Steve is her father now

Tony: i know dont worry nat, has she been happier

Steve: yes and no, Her and wanda broke up because of her powers and then this whole thing with thanos happened, but they are back together. we are trying to get a location on thanos but...

Rhodes walks in

Rhodes: It's been 23 days since Thanos came to Earth. nice to see you again tony

Tony: you too rhodey

Nat: maybe we can finish this outside guys

Tony: good idea

Steve kisses y/n on the forehead before leaving her side to join the rest of the members out side

Nat: World governments are in pieces. The parts that are still working are trying to take a census. And it looks like he did... he did exactly what he said he was gonna do. Thanos wiped out fifty percent, of all living creatures.

Tony: Where is he now? Where?

Steve: We don't know. He just opened a portal and walked through.

Cut to a shot of a sullen-looking Thor, sitting on a bench, seemingly deep in thought.

Tony: What's wrong with him?

Rocket: Oh, he's pissed. He thinks he failed. Which of course he did, but you know there's a lot of that's going around, ain't there?

Y/n stark: the unwanted daughterWhere stories live. Discover now